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πŸ—ƒ JSON parser and builder for ESP8266, ESP32, Teensy3.x and Teensy4.x, SAM, SAMD and STM32 (128 k flash or more)


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The Json Parser/Editor Arduino library.

The easiest Arduino library JSON parser, builder and editor, v2.6.8

FirebaseJson is the easiest JSON manipulation library to parse or deserialize complex or nested JSON objects and arrays.

The new version of library is now powered by cJSON.

Able to Parse, create and edit the simple or complex (depth nested) JSON object by just specify the relative node/element path.

This library supports any Arduino based MCU, ESP8266, ESP32, Teensy 3.x (ARM-Cortext M4) and Teensy 4.x (ARM-Cortext M7), AVR, SAMD, STM32 (128K flash or more) Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect, RaspberryPi Pico are recommended.

Tested Devices

  • ESP8266
  • ESP32
  • Teensy 3.6
  • Teensy 4.0
  • Teensy 4.1
  • Arduino MKR WiFi 1010
  • Arduino MKR1000 WIFI
  • STM32F103C
  • STM32FF407


  • Non-recursive parsing

  • Parse, Create and Edit JSON object directly by just specify the relative path to the node element

  • Prettify JSON string


For ESP8266 and ESP32, the library requires ESP8266 Core SDK version 2.4.0 and above or ESP32 Core SDK version 1.0.2 and above.

To install the ESP8266 Core SDK from Arduino IDE, ESP8266/ESP32 Core SDK can be installed through Boards Manager.

For PlatfoemIO IDE, ESP8266 Core SDK can be installed through PIO Home > Platforms > Espressif 8266 or Espressif 32.

For Teensy 3.x and Teensy 4.x, Teensyduino was required and can be downloaded.


For Arduino IDE, from Github repo, select Clone or download dropdown at the top of repository, select Download ZIP

From Arduino IDE, select menu Sketch -> Include Library -> Add .ZIP Library....

Choose that previously downloaded.

Go to menu Files -> Examples -> FirebaseJson-master and choose one from examples.

For PlatformIO IDE, using the following command.

pio lib install "FirebaseJson"

Or at PIO Home -> Library -> Registry then search FirebaseJson.

IDE Configuaration for ESP8266 MMU - Adjust the Ratio of ICACHE to IRAM

Arduino IDE

When you update the ESP8266 Arduino Core SDK to v3.0.0, the memory can be configurable from Arduino IDE board settings.

By default MMU option 1 was selected, the free Heap can be low and may not suitable for the SSL client usage in this library.

To increase the Heap, choose the MMU option 3, 16KB cache + 48KB IRAM and 2nd Heap (shared).

Arduino IDE config

To use external Heap from 1 Mbit SRAM 23LC1024, choose the MMU option 5, 128K External 23LC1024.


To use external Heap from PSRAM, choose the MMU option 6, 1M External 64 MBit PSRAM.

The connection between SRAM/PSRAM and ESP8266

23LC1024/ESP-PSRAM64                ESP8266

CS (Pin 1)                          GPIO15
SCK (Pin 6)                         GPIO14
MOSI (Pin 5)                        GPIO13
MISO (Pin 2)                        GPIO12
/HOLD (Pin 7 on 23LC1024 only)      3V3
Vcc (Pin 8)                         3V3
Vcc (Pin 4)                         GND

More about MMU settings.

PlatformIO IDE

By default the balanced ratio (32KB cache + 32KB IRAM) configuration is used.

To increase the heap, PIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_MMU_CACHE16_IRAM48_SECHEAP_SHARED build flag should be assigned in platformio.ini.

platform = espressif8266
board = d1_mini
framework = arduino
monitor_speed = 115200

And to use external Heap from 1 Mbit SRAM 23LC1024 and 64 Mbit PSRAM, PIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_MMU_EXTERNAL_128K and PIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_MMU_EXTERNAL_1024K build flags should be assigned respectively.

The supportedd MMU build flags in PlatformIO.


    16KB cache + 48KB IRAM (IRAM)


    16KB cache + 48KB IRAM and 2nd Heap (shared)


    16KB cache + 32KB IRAM + 16KB 2nd Heap (not shared)


    128K External 23LC1024


    1M External 64 MBit PSRAM


    Disables default configuration and expects user-specified flags

In ESP8266, to use PSRAM/SRAM for internal memory allocation which you can config to use it via FBJS_Config.h with this macro.


Test code for MMU

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <umm_malloc/umm_heap_select.h>

void setup() 
  HeapSelectIram ephemeral;
  Serial.printf("IRAM free: %6d bytes\r\n", ESP.getFreeHeap());
    HeapSelectDram ephemeral;
    Serial.printf("DRAM free: %6d bytes\r\n", ESP.getFreeHeap());

  Serial.printf("External free: %d\n", ESP.getFreeHeap());

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

PSRAM support in ESP32

The library supports PSRAM in ESP32 via macro, in file FBJS_Config.h


To enable PSRAM in ESP32 module with on-board PSRAM chip, in Arduino IDE

Enable PSRAM in ESP32

In PlatformIO in VSCode IDE, add the following build_flags in your project's platformio.ini file

build_flags = -DBOARD_HAS_PSRAM -mfix-esp32-psram-cache-issue

*When config the IDE or add the build flags to use PSRAM in the ESP32 dev boards that do not have on-board PSRAM chip, your device will be crashed (reset).

In ESP32, to use PSRAM/SRAM for internal memory allocation which you can config to use it via FBJS_Config.h with this macro.



FirebaseJson usages are so simple as you read, store and update(edit) the JSON node in Firebase RTDB.

It doesn't use the recursive call to parse or deserialize complex or nested JSON objects and arrays.

This makes the library can use with a limited memory device.

Since you declare the FirebaseJson or FirebaseJsonArray object, use the functions setJsonData, setJsonArrayData, add, set and remove to build or edit the JSON/Array object and use get to parse the node's contents.

Defined the relative path of the specific node to add, set, remove and get functions to add, set, remove and get its contents.

Function FirebaseJson.setJsonData is to deserialize the JSON string to JSON object.

In addition, function FirebaseJson.readFrom can be used to read the streaming JSON contents from WiFi/Ethernet Client, File and Harware Serial and serialize it as the streaming content contains valid JSON data.

Function FirebaseJson.add is used to add the new node with the contents e.g. String, Number (int and double), Boolean, Array and Object to the defined node.

Function FirebaseJson.set is used for edit, overwrite, create new (if not exist) node with contents e.g. String, Number (int and double), Boolean, Array and Object at the defined relative path and node.

Function FirebaseJson.get is used for parsing or deserializee the JSON object and array. The deserialized or parsed result will keep in FirebaseJsonData object which can be casted to any type of value or variable e.g string, bool, int, float, double by using<type>.

The casting from FirebaseJsonData to FirebaseJson and FirebaseJsonArray objects is different, by using FirebaseJsonData.getJSON(FirebaseJson) and FirebaseJsonData.getArray(FirebaseJsonArray).

Function FirebaseJson.remove is used to remove the node and all its children's contents at the defined relative path and node.

Function FirebaseJson.toString is used for serializeing the JSON object to writable objects e.g. char array, Arduino String, C/C++ string, WiFi/Ethernet Client and Hardware/Software Serial.

Function FirebaseJson.serializedBufferLength is used for calculating the serialized buffer size that required for reserved buffer in serialization.

Function FirebaseJson.responseCode is used to get the http code response header while read the WiFi/Ethernet Client using FirebaseJson.toString.

Functions FirebaseJson.iteratorBegin, FirebaseJson.iteratorGet and FirebaseJson.iteratorEnd are used to parse all JSON object contents as a list which can be iterated with index.

Function FirebaseJson.clear is used to clear JSON object contents.

Function FirebaseJson.setFloatDigits is for float number precision when serialized to string.

Function FirebaseJson.setDoubleDigits is for double number precision when serialized to string.

Function FirebaseJsonArray.add is used for adding the new contents e.g. String, Number (int and double), Boolean, Array and Object to JSON array.

Function FirebaseJsonArray.set is for edit, overwrite, create new (if not exist) contents e.g. String, Number (int and double), Boolean, Array and Object at the defined relative path or defined index of JSON array.

Function FirebaseJsonArray.get works in the same way as FirebaseJson objects

Function FirebaseJsonArray.remove is used to remove the array's contents at the defined relative path or defined index of JSON array.

Function FirebaseJsonArray.toString is used for serializeing the JSON array object to writable objects e.g. char array, Arduino String, C/C++ string, WiFi/Ethernet Client and Hardware/Software Serial.

Function FirebaseJsonArray.serializedBufferLength is used for calculating the serialized buffer size that required for reserved buffer in serialization.

Function FirebaseJsonArray.responseCode is used to get the http code response header while read the WiFi/Ethernet Client using FirebaseJson.toString.

Function FirebaseJsonArray.clear is used to clear JSON array object contents.

Function FirebaseJsonArray.setFloatDigits is for float number precision when serialized to string.

Function FirebaseJsonArray.setDoubleDigits is for double number precision when serialized to string.

The following example shows how to use FirebaseJson.

//Declare FirebaseJson object (global or local)
FirebaseJson json;

//Add name with value Living Room to JSON object
json.add("name", "Living Room");

//Add temp1 with value 120 and temp1 with 40 to JSON object
//Note: temp2 is not the child of temp1 as in previous version.
json.add("temp1", 120).add("temp2", 40);

//Add nested child contents directly
json.set("unit/temp1", "Farenheit");
json.set("unit/temp2", "Celcius");

//Deserialize to serial with prettify option
json.toString(Serial, true);

This is the result of the above code

    "name": "Living Room",
    "temp1": 120,
    "temp2": 40,
    "unit": {
        "temp1": "Farenheit",
        "temp2": "Celcius"

//To set array to the above JSON using FirebaseJson directly
//Set (add) array indexes 0,1,2,5,7 under temp1, the original value will be replaced with new one.
json.set("temp1/[0]", 47);
json.set("temp1/[1]", 28);
json.set("temp1/[2]", 34);
json.set("temp1/[5]", 23); //null will be created at array index 3,4 due to it's not yet assigned
json.set("temp1/[7]", 25); //null will be created at array index 6

//Print out as prettify string
json.toString(Serial, true);

The result of the above code

    "name": "Living Room",
    "temp1": [
    "temp2": 40,
    "unit": {
        "temp1": "Farenheit",
        "temp2": "Celcius"

//Try to remove temp1 array at index 1

//Try to remove temp2

//Print out as prettify string
json.toString(Serial, true);

The result of the above code

    "name": "Living Room",
    "temp1": [
    "unit": {
        "temp1": "Farenheit",
        "temp2": "Celcius"

//Now parse/read the contents from specific node unit/temp2
//FirebaseJsonData is required to keep the parse results which can be accessed later
FirebaseJsonData result;

json.get(result, "unit/temp2");

if (result.success)
  //Print type of parsed data e.g string, int, double, bool, object, array, null and undefined
  //Print its content e.g.string, int, double, bool whereas object, array and null also can access as string

//The above code will show

//To get the array temp from FirebaseJson

json.get(result, "temp1");

//Prepare FirebaseJsonArray to take the array from FirebaseJson
FirebaseJsonArray arr;

//Get array data

//Call get with FirebaseJsonData to parse the array at defined index i
for (size_t i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++)
  //result now used as temporary object to get the parse results
  arr.get(result, i);

  //Print its value
  Serial.print("Array index: ");
  Serial.print(", type: ");
  Serial.print(", value: ");

The result of above code
Array index: 0, type: int, value: 47
Array index: 1, type: int, value: 34
Array index: 2, type: null, value: null
Array index: 3, type: null, value: null
Array index: 4, type: int, value: 23
Array index: 5, type: null, value: null
Array index: 6, type: int, value: 25

The following example shows how to use FirebaseJsonArray.

//Declare FirebaseJsonArray object (global or local)
FirebaseJsonArray arr;

//Add some data

//Change the array contents
arr.set("[1]/food", "salad");
arr.set("[1]/sweet", "cake");
arr.set("[1]/appetizer", "snack");
arr.set("[2]", "apple"); // or arr.set(2, "apple");
arr.set("[4]/[0]/[1]/amount", 20);

//Print out array as prettify string
arr.toString(Serial, true);

This is the result of the above code

        "food": "salad",
        "sweet": "cake",
        "appetizer": "snack"
                "amount": 20

//Remove array content at /4/0/1/amount

//Print out as prettify string
arr.toString(Serial, true);
The result of the above code

        "food": "salad",
        "sweet": "cake",
        "appetizer": "snack"


//Now parse/read the array contents at some index

FirebaseJsonData result;

arr.get(result, "[1]/food");

  //Type of parsed data
  //Its value


//The above code will show

//To get the JSON object at array index 1 from FirebaseJsonArray
arr.get(result, "[1]");// or arr.get(result, 1);

//Prepare FirebaseJson to take the JSON object from FirebaseJsonArray
FirebaseJson json;

//Get FirebaseJson data

//Parse the JSON object as list
//Get the number of items
size_t len = json.iteratorBegin();
FirebaseJson::IteratorValue value;
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
    value = json.valueAt(i);
    Serial.printf("%d, Type: %s, Name: %s, Value: %s\n", i, value.type == FirebaseJson::JSON_OBJECT ? "object" : "array", value.key.c_str(), value.value.c_str());

//Clear all list to free memory

The result of the above code

0, Type: object, Key: food, Value: salad
1, Type: object, Key: sweet, Value: cake
2, Type: object, Key: appetizer, Value: snack


All Available Functions

FirebaseJSON object Functions

Set or deserialize the JSON object data (JSON object literal) as FirebaseJson object.

param data The JSON object literal string to set or deserialize.

return bool value represents the successful operation.

Call FirebaseJson.errorPosition to get the error.

bool setJsonData(<string> data);

Clear internal buffer of FirebaseJson object.

return instance of an object.

FirebaseJson &clear();

Set JSON data via derived Stream object to FirebaseJson object.

param stream The pointer to or instance of derived Stream class.

return boolean status of the operation.

bool readFrom(Stream &stream);

bool readFrom(Stream *stream);

Set JSON data via derived Client object to FirebaseJson object.

param client The pointer to or instance of derived Client class.

return boolean status of the operation.

bool readFrom(Client &client);

bool readFrom(Client *client);

Set JSON data via Serial to FirebaseJson object.

param ser The Serial object.

param ser The timeout in millisecond to wait for Serial data to be completed.

return boolean status of the operation.

bool readFrom(<serial> &ser, uint32_t timeoutMS = 5000) ;

Set JSON data via SdFat's SdFile object to FirebaseJson object.

param sdFatFile The SdFat file object.

return boolean status of the operation.

bool readFrom(<SdFatFile> &sdFatFile);

Add null to FirebaseJson object.

param key The new key string that null to be added.

return instance of an object.

FirebaseJson &add(<string> key);

Add value to FirebaseJson object.

param key The new key string that string value to be added.

param value The value for the new specified key.

return instance of an object.

The value that can be added is the following supported types e.g. flash string (PROGMEM and FPSTR), String, C/C++ std::string, const char*, char array, string literal, all integer and floating point numbers, boolean, FirebaseJson object and array.

FirebaseJson &add(<string> key, <type> value);

Get the FirebaseJson object serialized string.

param out The writable object e.g. String, std::string, char array, Stream e.g ile, WiFi/Ethernet Client and LWMQTT, that accepts the returning string.

param topic The MQTT topic (LWMQTT).

param prettify Boolean flag for return the pretty format string i.e. with text indentation and newline.

void toString(<type> out, bool prettify = false);

void toString(<type> out, <string> topic, bool prettify = false);

Get the value from the specified node path in FirebaseJson object.

param result The reference of FirebaseJsonData that holds the result.

param path Relative path to the specific node in FirebaseJson object.

param prettify The text indentation and new line serialization option.

return boolean status of the operation.

The FirebaseJsonData object holds the returned data which can be read from the following properties.

jsonData.stringValue - contains the returned string.

jsonData.intValue - contains the returned integer value.

jsonData.floatValue - contains the returned float value.

jsonData.doubleValue - contains the returned double value.

jsonData.boolValue - contains the returned boolean value.

jsonData.success - used to determine the result of the get operation.

jsonData.type - used to determine the type of returned value in string represents the types of value e.g. string, int, double, boolean, array, object, null and undefined.

jsonData.typeNum used to determine the type of returned value is an integer as represented by the following value.

FirebaseJson::UNDEFINED = 0

FirebaseJson::OBJECT = 1

FirebaseJson::ARRAY = 2

FirebaseJson::STRING = 3

FirebaseJson::INT = 4

FirebaseJson::FLOAT = 5

FirebaseJson::DOUBLE = 6

FirebaseJson::BOOL = 7 and

FirebaseJson::NULL = 8

bool get(FirebaseJsonData &result, <string> path, bool prettify = false);

Parse and collect all node/array elements in FirebaseJson object.

return number of child/array elements in FirebaseJson object.

size_t iteratorBegin();

Get child/array elements from FirebaseJson objects at specified index.

param index The element index to get.

param type The integer which holds the type of data i.e. FirebaseJson::OBJECT and FirebaseJson::ARRAY

param key The string which holds the key/name of the object, can return empty String if the data type is an array.

param value The string which holds the value for the element key or array.

void iteratorGet(size_t index, int &type, String &key, String &value);

Get child/array elements from FirebaseJson objects at specified index.

param index The element index to get.

return IteratorValue struct

This should call after iteratorBegin.

The IteratorValue struct contains the following members: int type String key String value

IteratorValue valueAt(size_t index);

Clear all iterator buffer (should be called since iteratorBegin was called).

void iteratorEnd();

Set null to FirebaseJson object at the specified node path.

param path The relative path that null to be set.

The relative path can be mixed with array index (number placed inside square brackets) and node names e.g. /myRoot/[2]/Sensor1/myData/[3].

void set(<string> path);

Set value to FirebaseJson object at the specified node path.

param path The relative path that string value to be set.

param value The value to set.

The relative path can be mixed with array index (number placed inside square brackets) and node names e.g. /myRoot/[2]/Sensor1/myData/[3].

The value that can be added is the following supported types e.g. flash string (PROGMEM and FPSTR), String, C/C++ std::string, const char*, char array, string literal, all integer and floating point numbers, boolean, FirebaseJson object and array.

void set(<string> path, <type> value);

Remove the specified node and its content.

param path The relative path to remove its contents/children.

return bool value represents the successful operation.

bool remove(<string> path);

Get the error position at the JSON object literal from parsing.

return the position of error in JSON object literal

Return -1 when for no parsing error.

int errorPosition();

Get the size of serialized JSON object buffer.

param prettify The text indentation and new line serialization option.

return size in byte of buffer

size_t serializedBufferLength(bool prettify = false);

Set the precision for float to JSON object.

param digits The number of decimal places.

void setFloatDigits(uint8_t digits);

Set the precision for double to JSON object.

param digits The number of decimal places.

void setDoubleDigits(uint8_t digits);

Get http response code of reading JSON data from WiFi/Ethernet Client.

return the response code of reading JSON data from WiFi/Ethernet Client

int responseCode();

FirebaseJsonArray object functions

Set or deserialize the JSON array data (JSON array literal) as FirebaseJsonArray object.

param data The JSON array literal string to set or deserialize.

return bool value represents the successful operation.

Call FirebaseJsonArray.errorPosition to get the error.

bool setJsonArrayData(<string> data);

Add null to FirebaseJsonArray object.

return instance of an object.

FirebaseJsonArray &add();

Add value to FirebaseJsonArray object.

param value The value to add.

return instance of an object.

The value that can be added is the following supported types e.g. flash string (PROGMEM and FPSTR), String, C/C++ std::string, const char*, char array, string literal, all integer and floating point numbers, boolean, FirebaseJson object and array.

FirebaseJsonArray &add(<type> value);

Add multiple values to FirebaseJsonArray object.

param v The value of any type to add.

param n The consecutive values of any type to add.

return instance of an object.

e.g. add("a","b",1,2)

FirebaseJsonArray &add(First v, Next... n);

Set JSON array data via derived Stream object to FirebaseJsonArray object.

param stream The pointer to or instance of derived Stream class.

return boolean status of the operation.

bool readFrom(Stream &stream);

bool readFrom(Stream *stream);

Set JSON data array via derived Client object to FirebaseJsonArray object.

param client The pointer to or instance of derived Client class.

return boolean status of the operation.

bool readFrom(Client &client);

bool readFrom(Client *client);

Set JSON array data via Serial to FirebaseJsonArray object.

param ser The Serial object.

param ser The timeout in millisecond to wait for Serial data to be completed.

return boolean status of the operation.

bool readFrom(<serial> &ser, uint32_t timeoutMS = 5000) ;

Set JSON array data via SdFat's SdFile object to FirebaseJsonArray object.

param sdFatFile The SdFat file object.

return boolean status of the operation.

bool readFrom(<SdFatFile> &sdFatFile);

Get the array value at the specified index or path from the FirebaseJsonArray object.

param result The reference of FirebaseJsonData object that holds data at the specified index.

param index_or_path Index of data or relative path to data in FirebaseJsonArray object.

return boolean status of the operation.

The relative path must begin with array index (number placed inside square brackets) followed by other array indexes or node names e.g. /[2]/myData would get the data from myData key inside the array indexes 2

bool get(FirebaseJsonData &result, <int or string> index_or_path);

Parse and collect all node/array elements in FirebaseJsonArray object.

return number of child/array elements in FirebaseJsonArray object.

size_t iteratorBegin();

Get child/array elements from FirebaseJsonArray objects at specified index.

param index The element index to get.

param type The integer which holds the type of data i.e. FirebaseJson::OBJECT and FirebaseJson::ARRAY

param key The string which holds the key/name of the object, can return empty String if the data type is an array.

param value The string which holds the value for the element key or array.

void iteratorGet(size_t index, int &type, String &key, String &value);

Get child/array elements from FirebaseJsonArray objects at specified index.

param index The element index to get.

return IteratorValue struct

This should call after iteratorBegin.

The IteratorValue struct contains the following members: int type String key String value

IteratorValue valueAt(size_t index);

Clear all iterator buffer (should be called since iteratorBegin was called).

void iteratorEnd();

Get the length of array in FirebaseJsonArray object.

return length of the array.

size_t size();

Get the FirebaseJsonArray object serialized string.

param out The writable object e.g. String, std::string, char array, Stream e.g ile, WiFi/Ethernet Client and LWMQTT, that accepts the returning string.

param prettify Boolean flag for return the pretty format string i.e. with text indentation and newline.

void toString(<type> out, bool prettify = false);

Get raw JSON Array.

return raw JSON Array string

const char *raw();

Get the size of serialized JSON array buffer.

param prettify The text indentation and new line serialization option.

return size in byte of buffer

size_t serializedBufferLength(bool prettify = false);

Clear all array in FirebaseJsonArray object.

return instance of an object.

FirebaseJsonArray &clear();

Set null to FirebaseJsonArray object at at specified index or path.

param index_or_path The array index or path that null to be set.

void set(<int or string> index_or_path);

Set String to FirebaseJsonArray object at the specified index.

param index_or_path The array index or path that value to be set.

param value The value to set.

void set(<int or string> index_or_path, <type> value);

Remove the array value at the specified index or path from the FirebaseJsonArray object.

param index_or_path The array index or relative path to array to be removed.

return bool value represents the successful operation.

bool remove(<int or string> index_or_path);

Get raw JSON.

return raw JSON string

const char *raw();

Get the error position at the JSON array literal from parsing.

return the position of error in JSON array literal

Return -1 when for no parsing error.

int errorPosition();

Set the precision for float to JSON Array object.

param digits The number of decimal places.

void setFloatDigits(uint8_t digits);

Set the precision for double to JSON Array object.

param digits The number of decimal places.

void setDoubleDigits(uint8_t digits);

FirebaseJsonData object functions

Get array data as FirebaseJsonArray object from FirebaseJsonData object.

param jsonArray The returning FirebaseJsonArray object.

return bool status for successful operation.

This should call after pares or get functions.

bool getArray(FirebaseJsonArray &jsonArray);

Get array data as FirebaseJsonArray object from FirebaseJsonData object.

param source The JSON array string.

param jsonArray The returning FirebaseJsonArray object.

return bool status for successful operation.

This should call after pares or get functions.

bool getArray(<string> source, FirebaseJsonArray &jsonArray);

Get array data as FirebaseJson object from FirebaseJsonData object.

param jsonArray The returning FirebaseJson object.

return bool status for successful operation.

This should call after pares or get functions.

bool getJSON(FirebaseJson &json);

Get JSON data as FirebaseJson object from string.

param source The JSON string.

param json The returning FirebaseJsonArray object.

return bool status for successful operation.

This should call after pares or get functions.

bool getJSON(<string> source, FirebaseJson &json);

Cast the FirebaseJsonData object to object or primitive type variable.

return the The object or primitive type variable.


e.g. to<String>(), to<int>(), to<bool>()

FirebaseJsonData object properties

stringValue The String value of parses data.

intValue The int value of parses data.

doubleValue The double value of parses data.

floatValue The float value of parses data.

boolVlue The bool value of parses data.

success used to determine the result of the deserialize operation.

type The type String of parses data e.g. string, int, double, boolean, array, object, null and undefined.

typeNum The type (number) of parses data in form of the following jsonDataType value.

FirebaseJson::UNDEFINED = 0

FirebaseJson::OBJECT = 1

FirebaseJson::ARRAY = 2

FirebaseJson::STRING = 3

FirebaseJson::INT = 4

FirebaseJson::FLOAT = 5

FirebaseJson::DOUBLE = 6

FirebaseJson::BOOL = 7 and

FirebaseJson::NULL = 8


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2022 K. Suwatchai (Mobizt)

Copyright (c) 2009-2017 Dave Gamble and cJSON contributors

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person returning a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



πŸ—ƒ JSON parser and builder for ESP8266, ESP32, Teensy3.x and Teensy4.x, SAM, SAMD and STM32 (128 k flash or more)







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  • C++ 53.5%
  • C 46.5%