This problem was provided by researchers in the Classics department at UB. They have provided two classical texts and a lemmatization file to convert words from one form to a standard or normal form. In this case several passes through the documents were done.
Pass 1: Lemmetization using the lemmas.csv file
Pass 2: Identify the words in the texts by <word <docid, [chapter#, line#]> for two documents>.
Pass 3: Repeat this for multiple documents.
- Start hadoop
- Run chmod
chmod +x ./
chmod +x ./
- Put the input files to the hadoop directory :-
hdfs dfs -put $HOME/Activity3/act3input act3input
- Run hadoop mapreduce:
hadoop jar $HADOOP_HOME/share/hadoop/tools/lib/hadoop-streaming-2.6.4.jar -mapper $HOME/Activity3/ -reducer $HOME/Activity3/ -input act3input -output act3out
- Read output:
hdfs dfs -cat act3out/*