vmware and other virtualization scripts
//Scripts list
- snapconsolidate.ps1 : consolidate vm who need it, useful in crontab like :)
- findVmByMac.ps1 : lookout for vm by mac address
- snapConsolidateAdvance.ps1 : consolidate vm, helpful to fix http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2009217
//snapconsolidate.ps1 This script will consolidate snapshot on your vCenter Server
///Requirements / Pre-requisites This script will require the following components:
- Windows PowerShell 2.0+
- VMware vSphere™ PowerCLI ///usage Simply launch the script from the PowerCLI prompt or schedule it from windows
PowerCLI DRIVE:\PathToScript> snapconsolidate.ps1
//findVmByMac.ps1 This script will identify vm by is mac address
///Requirements / Pre-requisites This script will require the following components:
- Windows PowerShell 2.0+
- VMware vSphere™ PowerCLI ///usage Simply launch the script from the PowerCLI prompt or schedule it from windows
PowerCLI DRIVE:\PathToScript> findVmByMac.ps1
//snapConsolidateAdvance.ps1 This script will consolidate snapshot on your vcenter or esx. very usefull to fix vmware kb 2009217
///Requirements / Pre-requisites This script will require the following components:
- Windows PowerShell 2.0+
- VMware vSphere™ PowerCLI ///usage Simply launch the script from the PowerCLI prompt and follow the wizard. If you want to make user/pass static fill $userid and $userpass For fixing esx or vcenter fill $esx variable.
PowerCLI DRIVE:\PathToScript> snapConsolidateAdvance.ps1
have fun!