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Note: This template is unfinished, I'm still working on it for my own portfolio


  • This is what I made for me own Portfolio page @ (WIP).
  • Feel free to use this as a template if you like it.
  • Did basic Foundation5/SASS scaffolding by using @juliancwirko 's zurb-foundation-5 generator, which uses @addyosmani 's Yeoman respectively.


If you like this template and want to use it:

  • Fork the project.
  • Once forked, do this:
  • $ git clone
    $ cd portfolio-template/
  • If you wish to enable yourself to keep up-to-date with my repo, you can optionally add my repo URL as upstream:
    $ git remote add upstream

Now, make sure you have npm installed. If installed, do this to install all the developer dependencies like flightplan, grunt stuff, etc.

$ npm install

If Bower is not installed already, install it globally this way:

$ npm install -g bower

Then, below command will install all your Front-end dependencies like Foundation, jQuery, etc.

$ bower install

Run grunt to complete specific tasks, the most important is to compile SASS to CSS. I use compass to do that, so you need to have Ruby installed. If compass is not installed already, do this. It will also install SASS.

$ gem install compass
$ compass -v
$ sass -v

Make changes to app/index.html however you want. Make CSS changes to app/scss/ files. Don't make changes to dist. While making changes to your files, let grunt do the watch for compiling your SASS files by entering this cmd:

$ grunt


After making all those changes, make changes to flightplan.js. Change appName, host, username and port according to whatever server you have to deploy it.

After doing that, run below commands to minify everything to dist/ folder.

$ grunt build

After that's done, run to check whether your dist (where your minified and compiled files go) is OK.

$ grunt server-dist

Then install flightplan globally, like so:

$ npm install -g flightplan

Thereafter, run this from portfolio-template/ to build (publish to dist/) your project: This will also commit in your git repo and ask for the commit message. It will also ask if you want to push it to Github.

$ fly build:it

Then run this to deploy it to a /tmp/your-app-name/ folder on your remote server.

$ fly deploy:it

Below command is not working for me because of authentication problems with my remote server. You can try to run this. This will basically copy files from /tmp/your-app-name/ to ~/www/ in your remote machine. Since this didn't work for me, I will write a cron job to do that.

$ fly copy:it


  • flightplan doesn't run properly. Works well for the local flights, but having problems with the remote flights.
  • Fill up content.
  • Thinking about a parallax project carousel.

Lot's of UI features are inspired from @deedy's personal website, Apple website, Foundation Building blocks, and a few other websites. But, the code is all written by me.

This is currently WIP since I get less time for this.

PS: Please also star the project if you clone it.



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