This is a simple starter example project using react redux with node.js ( express framework ) and used MongoDB as a database . In this project also used bootstrap-4, and react-redux-loading-bar to show loading progress bar while getting response.
npm install
This will start the application on 8080 port. Just open http://localhost:8080/ and you will see welcome message.
This is a starter boilerplate for web application. This project using together the following technologies:
- React
- React Router
- react-router-redux
- react-dom
- Express
- mongoose
- Babel for ES6
- Webpack for bundling
- Redux
- React Router Redux Redux/React Router bindings.
- redux-form to manage form state in Redux
- redux-thunk Thunk middleware for Redux.
- style-loader to allow import of stylesheets in plain css.
- redux-promise-middleware to promisify the request.
- axios Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js.
- react-redux-loading-bar A React component that provides Loading Bar.
- bootstrap-4
- font-awesome
- passport-github For GitHub authentication
- react-redux-toastr For toaster message