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@shalldie shalldie released this 23 Oct 08:33
· 20 commits to master since this release


This is a major version that has added more features, which will bring you a better coding experience!

  1. More configurable sections: fullscreen, sidebar, editor, panel.
  2. Clear and concise configuration.
  3. Added quick commands that can be invoked through the 「Background」 button in the bottom-right corner of the statusbar.
  4. No more warnings about Your Code installation appears to be corrupt !!!
  5. Added support for multiple languages (l10n).
  6. More content can be found in README.mdMigration from v1


  1. 更多的可配置区域:全屏侧边栏编辑器面板
  2. 更清晰简洁的配置。
  3. 添加了快捷命令,可以通过右下角「background」按钮唤起。
  4. 不再有令人厌烦的 Code 安装似乎损坏 提示 !!!
  5. 添加了多语言(l10n)支持。
  6. 更多内容可见 README.md从 v1 迁移