Python control of Root Robot via BLE
Open Source Licence: BSD
This example will allow you to control a Root Robot via Python on a Bluetooth-equipped Raspberry Pi (or any other Linux computer with Bluetooth).
Instructions (from the Linux command line):
- Install Gatt-Python by following the instructions here:
- If you're using a RasperryPi 3 or Zero W, you've already got Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) built in, along with the necessary BlueZ library. If not, follow the Gatt instructions:
- Install crc8 (sudo pip3 install crc8) to do message CRC checks.
- If you're on a Raspberry Pi 3 or Zero W, follow the directions here so that the pi user has access to BLE:
- Clone this repo: "git clone"
Supplied examples:
- Simple driving: type "python3" and then, after it finds your Root, type in command letters followed by the enter key when prompted.
- Plot an svg file: type "python3 --help" to learn how to use the example plotter.
The full Root API is here: ; if you find something I've missed, file an issue! Pull requests are welcomed.
Thanks to for providing a jumping-off point, and to for his original work!