The LVS is a SW load balancer implemented as part of the networking block of the Linux Kernel.
It hooks up to the netfilter framework in the Kernel which intercepts all incoming traffic
from network side and forwards it to the LVS.
The LVS responsibility is to spread the traffic between all attached real-servers according
to a pre-defined scheduling algorithm configured by the network administrator. (Basic LVS configuration)
###Prepare ALVS enviroment
1. Pull latest ALVS from GitHub
git clone git@github.com:Mellanox/ALVS.git
2. Download openNPU
Follow instructions in the above link on how to setup EZdk openNPU enviroment.
The version must be 18_0300 or higher.
####3. Remove EZdk soft link
Go to ALVS project folder and remove the soft link to EZdk. use the following commands:
rm EZdk
####4. Add soft link to openNPU EZdk
Use the following command to link EZdk openNPU to ALVS application:
ln -s <local openNPU folder>/EZdk EZdk
###Build ALVS application
The ALVS build process has 2 steps:
Build ALVS application
Build ALVS debian package
To compile the ALVS application go to ALVS directory and run make command.
Make will compile the control plane (cp.mk) code and the data plane (dp.mk) code.
In order to build a debian package you must run the following command on a debian machine:
make –f deb.mk
In case you don't have a debian machine, use a virtual machine running debian and mount the ALVS
direcroty on it. Afterwards, perform the above command in the debian machine.
The output of the above command is a debian package file under ALVS folder. for example:
Copy the package to the NPS-400 appliance box and install it using the following command:
dpkg -i alvs_22.0200.0000_amd64.deb - also works for upgrade
In case you want to remove ALVS package from NPS-400 appliance, run the following command:
dpkg -r alvs
To purge (also removes ALVS config):
dpkg -P alvs
For more information on ALVS application, features, setup and more see:
Manual [add link here]
Release notes [add link here]