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Karl Schultz edited this page Sep 19, 2019 · 5 revisions

To open the command palette, type Ctrl + Shift + P or click View -> Command Palette in the menu bar.

Reset Extension Settings

Type >Sync: Reset Extension Settings in the command palette. This will reset all the extension settings to default, allowing you to set it up again.

Automatic Download

Automatic Download is turned off by default. Enabling automatic download will download the settings when the editor is started. It requires downloading and uploading to be set up correctly.

To enable it, type >Sync: Advanced Options -> Toggle Auto-Download On Startup into the command palette, or use "sync.autoDownload": true in settings.json.

Force Download

Force Download is turned off by default. Enabling force download will make this extension always download the settings, even if the current version is believed to be the latest. This fixes issues where the extension is not downloading the latest version of the settings.

To enable it, type >Sync: Advanced Options -> Toggle Force Download, or use "sync.forceDownload": true in settings.json.

Force Upload

Force Upload is turned off by default. Enabling force upload will make this extension always upload the settings, even if the gist has newer ones. This can be useful if you want to overwrite the settings in your gist.

To enable it, type >Sync: Advanced Options -> Toggle Force Upload, or use "sync.forceUpload": true in settings.json.

Automatic Upload

Automatic Upload is turned off by default. Enabling automatic upload will cause the extension to automatically upload the settings when they change.

To enable it, type >Sync: Advanced Options -> Toggle Auto-Upload on Settings Change, or use "sync.autoUpload": true in settings.json.

Automatic Upload Delay

Automatic Upload is by default triggered 20 seconds after settings are changed. Setting this to a high value will use less network traffic, though there is a chance your settings may not be saved if the editor is closed before it can upload.

To change the delay, type >Sync: Advanced Options -> Edit Extension Local Settings and find "autoUploadDelay": 20. Then change the 20 to whatever amount of seconds you want. You can also use decimals, like 2.5 for a 2.5-second delay, as long as the number multiplied by 1000 is a whole number.

Summary on Download / Upload

The summary is turned on by default. An enabled summary will show a list of all changes that have occurred. If the summary is disabled, uploading and downloading is clean and quiet.

To disable it, type >Sync: Advanced Options -> Toggle Summary Page On Upload / Download, or use "sync.quietSync": true in settings.json.

Public Gist to Share Settings

Public Gist is turned off by default. Enabling public gist will allow you to share your settings with other users. You cannot change a private gist to public, so it has to be recreated.

To enable it, type >Sync: Advanced Options -> Share Settings with Public GIST.

Upload Conflict Prevention (As of version v3.4.3)

It is possible for the settings in your gist to be different than the settings you had last downloaded to the computer that you are currently using. This could happen if you upload to your gist from a different computer after you had last downloaded the gist to your current computer.

If you modify the settings on your current computer and upload them to your gist, you might overwrite the changes uploaded from the other computer.

Settings Sync detects this condition and asks if you want to force upload your local settings to your gist.

  • If you click the "Yes" button, Settings Sync uploads your local settings, overwriting any changes made from other computers.
  • If you click the "No" button or close the prompt, Settings Sync does nothing further. At this point you can:
    • Download the settings from the gist. This will overwrite any local changes. This may be convenient if your local changes are few and you don't mind reapplying them.
    • Resolve the conflicts and force upload the result to the gist. For example, you could make a copy of a local settings file, download settings from the gist, and then use the newly downloaded settings file and the copy to resolve the conflicts.