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thomas edited this page May 12, 2018 · 24 revisions
  1. Make sure you have the latest versions of the required plugins
  2. Download the latest release
  3. Open gameserver folder and copy the folders addons/, cfg/, materials/, models/ & sound/ to your root csgo/ directory
  4. Open fastDL folder and copy the folders materials/, models/ & sound/ in the fastDL/ directory* to your FastDownload server
  5. Run plugin for the first time and all necessary .cfg files will be generated
  6. Configure all settings in cfg/MyJailbreak to your needs
  7. OPTIONAL: When using a supported third party plugin like TeamGames or any CTbans, move the corresponding support-plugin on your server from plugins/MyJailbreak/disabled folder to plugins/MyJailbreak/
  8. Have fun! Give feedback!

Requires plugins

Recommend/Optional plugins/extensions