This is not affiliated with, may break without warning, and may violate their terms of service to use.
The generate()
method allows you to send a text string and returns a promise that resolves to the URL (on S3) of the generated TTS audio (in MP3 format).
To start, you must sign up with and train your voice model there.
Install this package with npm install menuridae
Assuming you have a .env file in the format:
You can run it this like:
const request = require('request');
const dotenv = require('dotenv');
const fs = require('fs');
const Client = require('../index');
async function generateFromText(utterance) {
const client = new Client;
await client.login(process.env.EMAIL, process.env.PASSWORD);
const url = await client.generate({ texts : [ utterance ] });
return url;
generateFromText('Hello world')
.then(url => request(url).pipe(fs.createWriteStream('./output.mp3')));
(try running node examples/generateAndDownload