Hello there! Welcome to my GitHub profile.
My name is Shane Wang, and I work as a software engineer. Over the years, I have spent most of my time working with OpenStack and Kubernetes.
I am currently working on Kubernetes networking and focusing on ovn/ovs and eBPF. I am happy to participate in related open source projects to learn and grow together, and work towards providing more flexible and higher-performance container networks.
- Programming Languages: Go, Python, Rust, C
- Networking: ovn/ovs, OpenFlow, ePBF, Netfilter, ipvs
- OpenStack: Nova, Neutron, Glance, Cinder, OSProfiler
- Kubernetes: KubeSphere, Kube-Ovn, multus-cni, Kubevirt
- Databases: etcd, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB
If you have any questions or want to contact me, please feel free to email me at xwang4396@gmail.com or add me on WeChat at wxxxx8888.