IoT - Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) - Telemetery
Updated: 2016-06-10 Description: We are nearing a release version. We are currently in development. ETA is the end of July 2016.
Ideal for:
- Beagle
- Rasberry Pi Works perfectly on Ubuntu Snappy
IO Tested:
- MMTCP8DIO – 8 Digital Input/Output Module
- MMTCP8AI/I – 8 Current Input Module
SCADA Tested:
- Adroit (ModbusTCP Driver)
Enable any device that can run nodejs to become an IoT - Telemetry controller/PLC.
The following drivers have been written:
- ModbusTCP Master and Slave
- ModbusSerial Master and Slave
- RS232 Module
Take a look at the following block diagram:
The device logs change of states (COFS) in IO and can either send the status to a Webserver or via other devices connected on TCP or RS232 serial comm port such as a telemetry radio. The device listens for any other devices and stores other rtus statuses in its memory making any device on a network able to show the entire network status. SCADA can connect to any device to get network status.