#Mirahc Ant Task
An ant task for the Mirah compiler. This task also includes features not available in the standard Mirah compiler. Specifically this task compiles both Mirah and Java files (by wrapping the javac task), and supports two-way dependencies between the mirah and java code.
Apache 2.0
- Task can be used to compile .java and .mirah files in one swipe.
- Supports two-way dependencies between Java and Mirah code.
Alpha - This seems to work on all of the inputs I have provided so far, but I haven't built anything in production with it yet (as of July 2014). In addition, the Mirah language is still evolving, and many of its features haven't been documented.
- Download MirahAnt.jar, mirah.jar, and mirahc.jar. You will reference them in your
attribute of thetaskdef
- Add the mirahc task to your build script.
<taskdef name="mirahc" classpath="paht/to/MirahAnt.jar:path/to/mirah.jar:path/to/mirahc.jar" classname="ca.weblite.mirah.ant.MirahcTask"/>
- Use the mirahc task in your build script. E.g.
<mirahc dest="build/classes">
<javac bootclasspath="…"
<path path="..."/>
<compilerarg line="${javac.compilerargs}"/>
I.e. It wraps a javac task call, draws off of the settings provided to javac
##Netbeans Plugin
This task is used as part of the Mirah Netbeans Plugin. If you want IDE integration for Mirah, you should check out that plugin.
- This ANT task developed and maintained by Steve Hannah.
- Mirah (formerly Duby) created by Charles Nutter, and maintained by a small, but enthusiastic, team led by ribrdb and baroquebobcat.