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Podcst Web is a modern PWA to listen to podcasts.

The aim of this project is to provide an excellent podcast listening experience, on all types of devices (desktop, tablets, mobile).

Another major focus is on accessibility, the app is and should be accessible to the visually impaired, and allow 100% keyboard navigation.

Note: This project only aims to support ever-green browsers.


This project uses the gitflow branching model. See the development section below for additional details.

  • main is the production branch
  • develop is the active branch where commits are made


  • Node - node LTS for using latest ES2016+ features
  • yarn - package manager

Getting the Source Code

Once the prerequisites are installed on your system, you can clone this repository with git and install the code dependencies using yarn.

git clone


The following steps are for building and installing from the source code. First compile the code to the build folder in the project directory.

# dev: compiles to unoptimised dev friendly build
yarn dev

# build: compiles to optimised / minified production ready build
yarn build

or to compile in watch mode (automatically compile on file change)

yarn dev

Once the url reported by Next.js


When you first clone this repository, you'll need to initialize gitflow by running: git flow init -d in the project root folder.

Now that your local environment is all setup, you can use the following procedure to contribute to this project.

  1. Run git flow feature start <feature-name>
  2. Implement your feature and commit the changes.
  3. Run git flow feature finish <feature-name>

Use the following process to cut a new release.

  1. run git flow release start <semver>
  2. bump the package.json version.
  3. commit the changes.
  4. run git flow release finish <semver>
  5. run git push --follow-tags

You'll find a great tutorial on gitflow here if you want to learn more about the details of how it works.

Running Unit Tests

None yet but when they (hopefully exist)

yarn test


Deployment is automated and managed using the vercel cli.

# To deploy production builds
now --target production

# To deploy without aliasing

On every merge to main the production deployment is automatically updated.

Built With


Please read for process details on collaborating on this project.


We use SemVer for versioning. For available versions of this softare, see the (releases on this repository).


See the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
