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Infinite ListView

The Infinite ListView Flutter package provides an infinite scroll listview widget.

Getting Started

  1. Installation Guide
  2. Example

Usage Guide

  1. Create a class extending InfiniteListView<T>, where T is the type of item on the list you are going to build.
  2. Implement the getItemWidget(T item) method. This method should return a widget for a single item on the list.
  3. Implement the getListData(int pageNumber) method. This is an async method and should return a list of items according to the pageNumber parameter. This method should return Future.error(...) in case of an error.
  4. Override the getLoadingWidget(), getPaginationLoadingWidget(), getErrorWidget(dynamic error), and getPaginationErrorWidget(dynamic error) methods to customize widgets while the request is in progress and in case of an error.

I'm always working on making improvements. If you have any feedback, issues, or suggestions, feel free to reach out. Happy coding!