This is a simple C code to solve a 9x9 sudoko. want to know about sudoko you can simply search in web..
1-> run the c code (sudoko.c) in a c compiler 2-> input format enter the known digits as space separated integers unknowns are to be placed with 0 (use a new line after every 9 digits for better understanding) Refer input.txt for better understanding
You can enter input at running or use input.txt file from a terminal which has gcc instaled
run g++ SudokoVerifier.cpp -lpthread
and then ./a.out
The solution verifier uses three threads one to verify columns and inr for rows and one for grids
- Threads are not performing as expected as the overall complexity is very low
- may be on higher complexities threads works fine
- My solution wont give proper answers always.
- proper solution is made only if a normal person can solve with logic and without any guessing and back tracking