Uthando CMS is a content management system built for the sole purpose to integrate the MooTools Javascript Framework easily.
By default it uses SEF urls and compresses HTML, CSS and JavaScript output.
It enables developers to write maintainable and extensible code.
Linux hosting. (I cannot guarantee that Uthando CMS will work on a Microsoft Windows system, you are welcome to try it, but I will not be supporting this system.)
Apache Web Server enabled with mod_rewrite, mod_deflate, mod_expires.
Uthando CMS requires PHP 5.2.x, enabled with DOM, FTP, GD, Hash, JSON, Mcrypt, MySQL, PCRE, PDO, SESSION, SPL.
For database function calls Uthando CMS uses PHP PDO extraction layer.
PEAR Modules:
- Benchmarking_Benchmark
HTML_Page2- HTML_QuickForm
- HTML_Table
- Mail_Queue
I have bundled all these modules with Uthando CMS.
MooTools Javascript library:
these are also included.
See wiki for info.
Please use the ticket system at Assembla or Github Issues
See license file.