DeThread is an application library that allows a developer to do utilize the power of distributed computing in the web browser.
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We used MD5 hash decryption as an example to illustrate the power of distributed computing. Not only does DeThread allow for users to distribute a problem across multiple bot-net nodes, it distributes the problem further on each connected device. The problem is chunked once before it is distributed, then it is chunked again on the client and distributed to Web Workers dependent upon the client's hardware.
- Join Demo
- Choose Host
- Set the length of the word you are trying to crack "supports lower case only"
- Go to the hashing function and type in the word you would like to use
- Copy that hash and paste it into the hash input
- Set the amount of workers you would like to use (suggested amount is given)
- Other users can join the demo dynamically
- Enjoy the Demo!