An AngularJS Node.js web application broilerplate with high configurability and ability to build different themes/applications from single code base.
Install Node.js and then:
$ git clone git://
$ cd angularjs-grunt-broilerplate
$ sudo npm -g install grunt-cli karma bower
$ npm install
$ bower install
$ grunt -theme=default
Finally, open file:///path/to/angularjs-grunt-broilerplate/build/index.html
in your browser.
The angularjs-grunt-broilerplate comes with an extensive grunt build processes. The following is a quick listing of commands:
build - builds the applications assests and sources and places the resulting application in the /build folder.
compile - first builds the application and then compiles it for publishing in the /bin directory.
-theme - this specifies the target theme, options: default [default when no theme is provided], any number can be added following the default template
-env - this specifies the target environment, options: local, stage [default when no env is provided], demo, production
Build for development purposes the AGRA theme for the staging environment:
grunt build -theme=default -env=stage
grunt build -theme=default
Compile for publish purposes the TanAIM theme for the production environment:
grunt compile -theme=default -env=production
grunt -theme=default -env=production
At a high level, the structure of "PMT-Viewer/Application" looks roughly like this:
- bin - the compliled application ready for publish.
- build - the complied application with tests.
- karma - test configuration.
- node_modules - node puts required modules here.
- src - the application.
- app - the main application source files.
- about - the about page.
- info - the customizable section.
- less - the less files.
- about.js - the controller.
- about.spec.js - the test.
- about.tpl.html - the template.
- login - the login page.
- less - the less files.
- login.js - the controller.
- login.spec.js - the test.
- login.tpl.html - the template.
- app.js - the application controller.
- app.spec.js - the test.
- config.js - the configuration file generated by the build, based on theme.
- about - the about page.
- assets - static files like fonts and images. Read more.
- common - third-party libraries or re-usable components. Read more.
- less - application less directory. Read more.
- themes - individual themes.
- main.less - main less.
- variables.less - application variables.
- index.html - application main html, build compiles application in to a SPA (single page app).
- app - the main application source files.
- vendor - thrid party packages install by Bower and manually installed. All packages must be put into
. - .bowerrc - the Bower configuration file.
- .travis.yml - the Travis CI configuration file.
- app.config.js - the application configuration file. Objects in this file are used to create the
file based on theme. - bower.json - the listing of Bower dependencies.
- build.config.js - the grunt build configuration file.
- Gruntfile.js - the grunt build file.
- module.prefix & module.suffix - our compiled application script is wrapped in these, which by default are used to place the application inside a self-executing anonymous function to ensure no clashes with other libraries.
- package.json- metadata about the app, used by NPM and our build script. The NPM dependencies are listed here.
The angularjs-grunt-broilerplate, after compile or build, is a static website that can be hosted anywhere by copying the contents of the build directory.