This repository contains OpenWRT package for the AirSane project at
Build the package for yourself using the OpenWRT SDK. The easiest way is to use the Docker image from
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)"/bin/:/home/build/openwrt/bin -it openwrtorg/sdk:<target>-<subtarget>[-<branch>]
Example for latest (at time of writing) for Xiaomi router 3g (non v2):
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)"/bin/:/home/build/openwrt/bin -it openwrtorg/sdk:ramips-mt7621-21.02.1
or for the Raspberry Pi Zero for OpenWrt 22.03.2:
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)"/bin/:/home/build/openwrt/bin -it openwrtorg/sdk:bcm27xx-bcm2708-22.03.2
The continuous integration in this repository also builds some packages as artifacts. See "Actions" tab.
Add repository
echo "src-git airsaned" >> feeds.conf.default
Update feeds
./scripts/feeds update base packages airsaned && make defconfig && ./scripts/feeds install airsaned
make package/airsaned/compile V=s -j <CORES_NUM>
- Copy package to temp folder on your router
scp bin/packages/<ARCH>/airsaned/airsaned-<VERSION>.ipk root@<YOUR_ROUTER_IP>:/tmp
- Login via ssh
ssh root@<YOUR_ROUTER_IP>
- Install package via opkg
opkg install /tmp/airsaned-<VERSION>.ipk
You can edit configuration here
/etc/init.d/airsaned start
Run at startup
/etc/init.d/airsaned enable
This is a fork of the original implementation by polikasov, with changes by nevian427 and ypopovych merged in.