Perl Alien package to provide dynamic libs for Gtk on Windows
Use it before you call any Gtk2 related perl libs and it will be added to the path if you are using Strawberry Perl. If you are not on Windows then it does nothing. Gtk2 etc can be installed using PPMs - see below.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Alien::GtkStack::Windows;
use Gtk2;
perl -MAlien::GtkStack::Windows -E"use Gtk2"
set PERL5OPT=-MAlien::GtkStack::Windows
perl -E "use Gtk2"
Acknowledgements: sisyphus for working out the build process
The set of provided files is derived from this perlmonks thread:
The libs and DLLs are from MSYS2 except libgnomecanvas2.dll which is locally patched before compilation.
There are also PPM files available for Strawberry Perl 5.38 so you could install the stack using:
ppm set repository biodiverse
ppm install Cairo
ppm install Cairo-GObject
ppm install Glib
ppm install Gnome2-Canvas
ppm install Gtk2
ppm install Pango