This package provides different methods of calculating cepstral coefficients. Three implemented methods are as follows:
- Cepstral coefficients based on Auto Regressive Moving Average (ARMA) coefficients
- Cepstral coefficients based on Auto-Regressive (AR) coefficients
- Real cepstral coefficients
- Cepstral coefficients based on ARMA coefficients
Considering the following
- Cepstral coefficients based on AR coefficients
Consider a time–series
The cepstral coefficients for an
- Real cepstral coefficients
The (real) cepstrum is defined as the inverse Fourier transform of the (real) logarithm of the Fourier transform of the time series.
To use the implementation, one should pursue the following steps:
Install the package by running the following command in the Julia REPL:
using Pkg Pkg.add(url="")
Import the package using the following command in the Julia REPL:
using CepstralCoefficients
Afterward, one should use the cc
function as the primary function of the implementation. The function above calculates the first n
number of cepstral coefficients according to the given time series.
A sequence of time series is required to test the implementation. In this case, the following assets are used: ["MSFT", "AAPL", "GOOG", "AMZN", "FB", "TSLA", "NVDA", "INTC", "CSCO", "ADBE"]
. In this example, the first 5 cepstral coefficients are calculated. The lag of the 3
using YFinance
tickers = ["MSFT", "AAPL", "GOOG", "AMZN", "META", "TSLA", "NVDA", "INTC", "CSCO", "ADBE"]
querry = [get_prices(ticker, startdt="2019-01-01", enddt="2020-01-01")["adjclose"] for ticker in tickers]
prices = stack(querry, dims=1);
Afterward, the cc
function is employed to calculate the cepstral coefficients.
The calculation method (ARMACepstral
or ARCepstral
or RealCepstral
) should be passed as the first argument to the cc
function, the time series should be passed as the second argument in order to calculate the cepstral coefficients of the passed time series, and the number of coefficients should be specificed as the third argument. For example, the following code calculates the first 5 cepstral coefficients of the given time series prices
using the ARCepstral(3)
model = ARCepstral(p)
cepscoefs = cc(model, prices, n)
# 5×10 Matrix{Float64}:
# -0.895194 -0.960283 -0.987055 -1.0 -0.968447 -1.0 -0.992712 -1.0 -1.0 -0.964975
# 0.438019 0.504086 0.623425 0.671433 0.475873 0.551948 0.563323 0.556987 0.577228 0.553053
# -0.409617 -0.422937 -0.586731 -0.638229 -0.317215 -0.373129 -0.468687 -0.368036 -0.464358 -0.48796
# 0.313867 0.336202 0.509322 0.56959 0.233927 0.291145 0.386832 0.286327 0.384007 0.402437
# -0.257968 -0.286627 -0.482991 -0.557164 -0.184029 -0.241863 -0.3434 -0.236681 -0.341143 -0.359296
The result is a n×m
matrix, where n
is the number of cepstral coefficients and m
is the number of time series. The next step is to perform clustering on the calculated cepstral coefficients.
Regarding this field of study, an extra tool has been provided in this package that is shiped as an extension. Kalpakis et al. (2001) have used cepstral coefficients in field of time series analysis. They have used Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM) clustering method (AKA K-Medoids) to find similar time series regarding their cepstral coefficient values. The result of cc
function should be passed to the cepsclustering
function in order to perform PAM method on the cepstral coefficient in order to perform clustering. Hence, this extension can be referred to as an implementation of the aforementioned study, in Julia.
In this regard, one can use the cepsclustering
function to perform Partition Around Medoids (PAM) clustering on the calculated cepstral coefficients. The function takes the cepstral coefficients as the first argument and the maximum number of clusters to be examined (in order to find the optimal number of clusters) as the second argument.
using Clustering
k = 4
clusters = cepsclustering(cepscoefs, k)
# 2-element Vector{Vector{Int64}}:
# [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
# [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
The result indicates that the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th time series are in the first cluster and the rest are in the second cluster. In other words, the first cluster contains "MSFT", "GOOG", "META", "NVDA", and "CSCO" and the second cluster contains "AAPL", "AMZN", "FB", "TSLA", and "INTC". Note that, the result may vary each time due to the random nature of the PAM algorithm.
In order to probe the results, it is better to visualize it. In this subsection, the time series are plotted in two different color tones each of which represents a cluster.
colortones = ["#E46262" "#2C8EF6" "#CD6969" "#408BDA" "#B57070" "#5387BF" "#9E7777" "#6784A3" "#877E7E" "#7A8188"]
linestyle = [:solid :dash :solid :dash :solid :dash :solid :dash :solid :dash]
title="Stock prices\nAnalysed data range: $(startdt) to $(enddt)",
size=(1000, 400),
The results are not satisfactory, which is expected since the PAM clustering is inaccurate due to its random initialization. The random initialization may result in a nonoptimal solution. As seen in the figure above, the 'ABDE' and 'NVDA' series follow similar patterns but are in different clusters; this is surprising because the opposite was expected. Furthermore, the result of PAM clustering is not deterministic. Thus, the output may differ in each run, which is another drawback.