MRExo is a Python package to jointly model distributions beyond two dimensions. Our updated framework can now simultaneously model up to four observables, while also incorporating asymmetric measurement uncertainties and upper limits in the data.
We build upon the 2-dimensional nonparametric framework utilizing beta density functions as the basis set for density estimation to perform simultaneous density estimation in up to 4-dimensions.
For detailed description of the code please see Kanodia et al. (2019) for the original and Kanodia et al. (2023) for the updated version.
Documentation can be found here.
In the terminal -
pip install mrexo
In the terminal -
pip install git+ -U
- In the terminal -
pip install git+ssh:// -U
In the terminal -
git clone
In the repository directory
python install
The -U is to upgrade the dependencies.
Install Git - Git for Windows
Install pip - pip for Windows
In cmd or git cmd -
pip install git+ -U
pip install mrexo
Clone or Download the zip file and then in the repository directory
python install
To sign up for updates, please join the Google Group linked here -!forum/mrexo
Guidelines to cite this package can be found here.
The relevant paper can be found on ADS.