Parsers for multiple english dictionaries to provider synonyms and antonyms per word
While working on Natural Language Processing (NLP) solutions, I ran into scarity of synonyms and antonyms resources out there. I looked around and found some in project Gutenberg, but no parsers for them. I created a parser for two of them that I found most useful:
- Samuel Fallows of synonyms and antonyms dictionary located here
- Richard Soule dictionary of synonyms located here
Combined both dictionaries provide entries for over 21k vocabulary words.
In the resources
folder you will find the raw dictionary files as well as the output of my parser (my output is in json format.)
In the src
folder you will find both parsers along with sample usage.
In src/
I show how to combine both dictionaries and use them to lookup synonyms and antonyms.
The dictionary structure:
- Vocabulary words are the keys
- The value is a dictionary that has an entry for synonyms and another fo antonyms
Below is a sample entry for the word lively
'full of life',
Refer to dictionary usage code for how to use these dictionaries.
- Account for Part of speech (POS)
- Create a graph that connects all the words together with synonyms and antonyms relationship