With Hiplogging, you can keep using the standard python logging module, and have the important log messages in HipChat, where they might actually reach you :)
sudo python setup.py install
or, from pip
sudo pip install hiplogging
Here’s how you use this. In bash:
export HIPCHAT_ROOM=’HelloWorld’
You can an admin token from this link. Note that a 'notification' token will not work.
Then, in the sweet code:
import os
import logging
import hiplogging
# Set up a standard logger
logger = logging.getLogger()
# Add the hipchat handler
# Get an admin token from: https://<YOUR_HIPCHAT_NAME>.hipchat.com/admin/api
handler = hiplogging.HipChatHandler(os.environ['HIPCHAT_ADMIN_TOKEN'],
# Try it out: messages will be visible both in the console and on hipchat.
logger.debug('debug - we are approaching the anomaly')
logger.info('info - shields up, red alert!')
logger.warn('warn - shield down to 15%')
logger.fatal('fatal - what shields?')
# You can set your own colors and the sender name using extra with logging.log.
# Valid colors are ["purple", "gray", "green", "yellow", "red"]
# The first argument is the log level:
# https://docs.python.org/2/library/logging.html#logging-levels
# https://docs.python.org/2/library/logging.html#logging.log
logger.log(20, "Another message", extra={'color':'purple', "sender":"FOOBAR"})