Get a .rpm, .deb, or .tar from the releases page.
Set system time via HTTP headers. This allows you to keep the linux system date up-to-date using a standard port commonly not blocked by a firewall in data centers (port 80 or port 443).
Usage of httpdate:
-host string
server to retreive date from
-proto string
protocol to use (http or https) (default "https")
-q disable output to STDOUT and STDERR
Usage is simple, just run like so:
[jaigner@tea ~]$ sudo httpdate -host
date updated successfully
If you need to use HTTP instead of HTTPS, you use the -proto option:
[jaigner@tea ~]$ sudo httpdate -host -proto http
date updated successfully
It can be added as a cronjob to keep system in-sync.
0 0,12 * * * root /usr/bin/httpdate -host -q
The command must be run as root in order to properly update the system time.
To build and package you need to have Golang and fpm installed.
To build, just run:
The packages will be created and placed in the "Releases/" directory. Either install the .yum or .deb from the command line, or use the tar file like so:
tar -C / -xvf httpdate.tar
Then you just run httpdate as root.