Ansible role for setting up and configuring a RabbitMQ server / cluster with or without ha.
This role is implemented as an example in the following github repo:
- hosts: rabbitmq_servers
become: true
- "{{ playbook_dir }}/vars/rabbitmq-single.yml"
- "{{ playbook_dir }}/vars/rabbitmq-ha.yml"
# - "{{ playbook_dir }}/vars/rabbitmq-ha-shovels.yml"
# set hostname
- name: main | changing hostname to match inventory_hostname_short
name: "{{ inventory_hostname_short }}"
when: ansible_hostname != inventory_hostname_short
# when using vagrant eth1
- set_fact:
hosts_network_interface: eth1
when: ansible_virtualization_type == "virtualbox"
- role: geerlingguy.pip
- name: requests
- role: ansible-role-hosts
- role: ansible-role-rabbitmq
# as cluster of n nodes (length of the rabbitmq_servers group)
- used for development purposes to set hostnames for cluster operation [ using master considering there was some issue with latest galaxy release ]geerlingguy.pip
- used to install requests pip module required by rabbitmq ansible module
role switches:
rabbitmq_purge: false
- removes everything ! -
rabbitmq_cleanup: false
= removes everything but data ! -
rabbitmq_backup: true
= used with purge and cleanup to backup first ... - needs more testing ! -
rabbitmq_setup_cluster: false
- setup cluster mode -
rabbitmq_setup_ha: false
- setup ha mode -
rabbitmq_guest_disable: false
- shoud the guest user be deleted or not -
rabbitmq_management_plugin_enable: true
- enable management plugin for rabbitmqctl operations
Other important variables:
* `rabbitmq_inventory_group: rabbitmq_servers` inventory group to use for rabbitmq cluster
* `rabbitmq_master: []` - the first from the group will be elected as "master" / fist node of the cluster unless this variable is specified - should be a resolvable FQDN ...
* `rabbitmq_homedir` see Caveats section below.
* `rabbitmq_erlang_cookie` you want to change this, it's the key used by earlang to communicate between nodes
Changing the default data directory - although supported but quite delicate hence the default directory structure is preserved like so:
These vars create a rabbitmq-env.conf file used by rabbbitmq-server:
rabbitmq_homedir: /var/lib/rabbitmq rabbitmq_config_dir: /etc/rabbitmq rabbitmq_systemd_path: /etc/systemd/system/rabbitmq-server.service.d
rabbitmq_base: "{{ rabbitmq_homedir }}" rabbitmq_config_file: "{{ rabbitmq_config_dir }}/rabbitmq.conf" rabbitmq_advanced_config_file: "{{ rabbitmq_config_dir }}/advanced.config" rabbitmq_generated_config_dir: "{{ rabbitmq_config_dir }}/config/generated/" rabbitmq_mnesia_base: "{{ rabbitmq_base }}/mnesia" rabbitmq_mnesia_dir: "{{ rabbitmq_mnesia_base }}/rabbit@{{ ansible_hostname }}" rabbitmq_schema_dir: "{{ rabbitmq_base }}/schema" rabbitmq_log_base: /var/log/rabbitmq rabbitmq_logs: "{{ rabbitmq_log_base }}/rabbit@{{ ansible_hostname }}.log" rabbitmq_sasl_logs: "{{ rabbitmq_log_base }}/rabbit@{{ ansible_hostname }}-sasl.log" rabbitmq_plugins_dir: "{{ rabbitmq_base }}/plugins" rabbitmq_enabled_plugins_file: "{{ rabbitmq_config_dir }}/enabled_plugins" rabbitmq_pid_file: "{{ rabbitmq_mnesia_dir }}.pid"
rabbitmq_erlang_cookie: 'SuperCaliFragilisticExpialiDocious' rabbitmq_erlang_cookie_file: "{{ rabbitmq_base }}/.erlang.cookie"
#### Setup a single server
**Example playbook:**
- hosts: rabbit1
become: true
become_user: root
- role: shelleg.rabbitmq
If you don't opt out on the default `rabbitmq_management` plugin installation
Once complete connect via http / amqp client to `http://<ip_address/dns_name>:15672` with custom users you may pass to the `rabbitmq_users` variable see adding users section below.
### Setup a cluster
* One of RabbitMQ's requirement (limitation) for clustering is that servers are reachable via DNS if you don't have DNS you can cheat by using hosts file (for the record I hate it but it's useful in some cases ...).
You can use `bertvv.ansible-role-hosts` role for this with any "fake info" you might want to push ... again for testing purposes only.
**Example playbook:**
- hosts: rabbitmq_servers
become: true
become_user: root
- role: shelleg.rabbitmq rabbitmq_setup_cluster: true rabbitmq_inventory_group: my_rabbits
### Setup a Highly Available Cluster
* DNS requirements apply here as described above.
* Enable HA by setting `rabbitmq_setup_ha: true`
3. Specify `rabbitmq_inventory_group` which defaults to: `rabbitmq_servers`
This group will be scanned the first element will be elected as master and the rest of the group will be set as worker node / slave node.
All Queues are replicated by default to all cluster members.
This will set the /etc/rabbitmq/rabbit.conf file with the following info:
`cluster_formation.classic_config.nodes.{{loop.index}} = rabbit@{{hostvars[host]['ansible_hostname']}}`
cluster_formation.classic_config.nodes.1 = rabbit@rabbit1 cluster_formation.classic_config.nodes.2 = rabbit@rabbit2 cluster_formation.classic_config.nodes.3 = rabbit@rabbit3
Example playbook:
- hosts: rabbitmq_servers
become: true
become_user: root
- role: shelleg.rabbitmq rabbitmq_setup_cluster: true rabbitmq_setup_ha: true rabbitmq_inventory_group: my_rabbits
### Create RabbitMQ users like so:
See for more details:
- name: 'rabbitmqadmin' password: 'rabbitmqadmin' vhost: '/' configure_priv: '.' read_priv: '.' write_priv: '.*' state: present tags: ['administrator']
### Create RabbitMQ Queues / Exchanges Bindings Shovels like so:
#### Queues
Queues is a straight forward list of variables ...
- name: foo max_length: 1000000 # optional vhost: 'my-vhost' durable: true # default
- name: bar
these of course could be more complex as in:
- name: foo
- name: my_queue message_ttl: 60000 dead_letter_exchange: mqueue-receiver-aggregator-exchange dead_letter_routing_key: mqueue-receiver-aggregator-dead
This var is fed to the ##-queues.yml task file:
rabbitmq_queue: name: "{{ }}" vhost: "{{ item.vhost | d('/') }}" durable: "{{ item.durable | d(true) }}" auto_delete: "{{ item.auto_delete | d(false) }}" arguments: "{{ item.arguments | d(omit) }}" state: "{{ item.state | d(omit) }}" message_ttl: "{{ item.message_ttl | d(omit) }}" dead_letter_exchange: "{{ item.dead_letter_exchange | d(omit) }}" dead_letter_routing_key: "{{ item.dead_letter_routing_key | d(omit) }}" max_length: "{{ item.max_length | d(omit) }}"
#### Exchanges
Exchanges are also a straight forward list of variables ... (see ##-queues.yml tasks file for how exactly ...)
- name: foo type: direct
- name: bar type: fanout
#### Bindings
So are bindings ... (also see ##-queues.yml tasks file for how exactly ...)
- source: foo destination: foo routing_key: ''
- source: bar destination: bar routing_key: 'my-key'
#### Shovles
Shovels are a bit more complicated and require more info via variables such as:
* `rabbitmq_shovel_src` set to the remote server you want to mirror queues from>
* `rabbitmq_shovel_username` the remote server's rabbitmq user name for authentication
* `rabbitmq_shovel_password` the remote server's password for authentication
An example var file:
please note a bug with rabbitmq_parameter module hence using shell with rabbitmqctl ...
rabbitmq_shovel_src: rabbit1 rabbitmq_shovel_username: rabbitmqadmin rabbitmq_shovel_password: rabbitmqadmin rabbitmq_shovels:
- name: "foo" json: ' { "src-protocol": "amqp091", "src-uri": "amqp://{{ rabbitmq_shovel_username }}:{{ rabbitmq_shovel_password }}@{{ rabbitmq_shovel_src }}:{{ rabbitmq_listen_port }}", "src-queue": "foo", "dest-protocol": "amqp091", "dest-uri": "amqp://{{ rabbitmq_shovel_username }}:{{ rabbitmq_shovel_password }}@{{ ansible_hostname }}:{{ rabbitmq_listen_port }}", "dest-queue": "foo", "add-forward-headers": true, "ack-mode": "on-publish" }'
- name: "bar" json: ' { "src-protocol": "amqp091", "src-uri": "amqp://{{ rabbitmq_shovel_username }}:{{ rabbitmq_shovel_password }}@{{ rabbitmq_shovel_src }}:{{ rabbitmq_listen_port }}", "src-queue": "bar", "dest-protocol": "amqp091", "dest-uri": "amqp://{{ rabbitmq_shovel_username }}:{{ rabbitmq_shovel_password }}@{{ ansible_hostname }}:{{ rabbitmq_listen_port }}", "dest-queue": "bar", "add-forward-headers": true, "ack-mode": "on-publish" }'
TODO / WIP (Pull request anyone ? ;)
* Add tests
* Add SSL support
[Apache 2](
Author Information
[Haggai Philip Zagury](