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shermand100 edited this page Jan 23, 2024 · 5 revisions

System Related:

  • For PiNodeXMR v5 and lower (shown on the Web-UI index page)

In Jan 2024 our GitHub home (/monero-ecosystem/) closed down and we moved to a new home here under my personal GitHub repository. Due to this many links in scripts require updating. Luckily it's super simple, the update script here in our new home will bring you to PiNodeXMR v6.

At the command line simply run: wget -O - | bash to come over to the new home.

For those that don't like redirect links the direct is - wget -O - | bash

On completion you should see V6 displayed on the Web-UI index page.

  • Debug Log

During install a debug file is generated at the path /home/pinodexmr/debug.log Any errors from a failed install are passed to this file and may be helpful should you have a problem. Most commonly errors on first build are due to a dependency not being downloaded (server 404), the install command can be run multiple times. This file can be downloaded for viewing in the 'logs' tab of the Web-UI.

  • Restore 'Factory Settings'

Feature update scripts (with exception of PiNodeXMR updater) delete the selected feature and install a new version from source after checking dependencies and updates. If a feature doesn't work as expected an update will give a fresh install and may provide the latest fixes to your problem.

The PiNodeXMR updater is the only file I can control that your device reaches for externally when updating on your say so. It is always pulled from the GitHub repository an so allows me to provide patches to the other updater scripts. The script will save and restore your Web_UI variables (RPC username, password, bandwidth settings, peers etc) and then overwrite PiNodeXMR with the latest files, including the other updater scripts.

  • Node Crashes (auto-restart of running mode)

A node mode that has a condition of 'auto-restart' is because Monerod is encountering a condition in which it cannot continue and systemd is auto-restarting the service. To solve the issue the Monerod logs must be checked for the cause of Monerod stopping in the first place. I cannot stress enough that 'auto-restart' is not an error. It is an indicator to you that there is an error in the Monerod log. If you cannot obviously see the error (such as "device storage full") and need further help, please provide a substantial portion of the Monerod log to allow me to help you. The log has a timestamp in the left column, at least 20 minutes of log may be enough but ideally share the whole file. is a great way to share the entire log.

  • Node Crashes and the storage device containing the OS is 100% full

It's worth checking if your OS storage device is full. This can be seen on the node status page (this statistic updates every 4hrs) or in the command line with df -h I'm still working to establish exactly the initial cause but my current thinking is that an OS/security update to the kernel causes the UUID of the storage device assigned for blockchain to be altered by the system. This means on boot that the storage device isn't mounted and so the blockchain is downloaded onto the system OS storage device (typically smaller) and so fills to 100%. Once at 100% system logs and other logs cannot populate resulting in various errors.

  • First action, stop the node via the Web-UI buttons.
  • Then establish if your blockchain storage device is mounted with lsblk. It should show as mounted to /home/pinodexmr/.bitmonero If not mounted (1), if Mounted go to (2):
  1. If the blockchain storage device IS NOT mounted then the partial blockchain on the system storage device can be deleted with rm -R ~/.bitmonero/lmdb Once deleted, run the 'USB storage setup' helper again from the setup menu to allow the system to correct the auto-mount settings for the new UUID of the drive. This process will also re-mount the drive. Once complete, check correct mounting with lsblk and remaining storage is correct with df -h you should be then good to continue using your node as normal.
  2. If the blockchain device is mounted it is possible to have a partial blockchain on the system storage device at the location /home/pinodexmr/.bitmonero/lmdb taking up a majority of storage, which is then covered over by the mounting of your blockchain storage. I would therefore suggest unmounting the blockchain storage so we can remove what is underneath. Unmount with sudo umount /dev/sda1 (where 'sda1' should be replaced with the device label of your blockchain storage, may be 'sdb', 'nvmep1' etc). Once unmounted, proceed with step (1.) above.
  • Web-UI status doesn't update

I have taken as many steps as I can do disable browser caching (your browser saving old data for speedy re-visit). To give you some confidence in the data, some of the key values have a date stamp displayed so you can tell if your browser is serving old data. Most webpage data is updated every 60 seconds, (exceptions x2: Storage Usage, Connection Status Network Peers). To force an update, use an incognito browser window or on Google Chrome press F12 for developer tools, then right click the refresh page button by the address bar, 'Empty Cache and Hard Reload' should be an option.

  • Monero Update fail

When updating to a new version of Monero, a failure at around the 43% is typically due to now enough RAM, enable a large SWAP file if this is experienced.

  • Can't Connect

Ensure you only connect with **either ** Ethernet or WiFi, not both. PiNodeXMR uses the command 'hostname -I' to establish IP's and uses the first value. Multiple connections (and therefore multiple IP's) confuses it. On this matter ensure your router assigns your PiNodeXMR with a static local IP. This should eb found in your router settings menu.

Blockchain Related

  • Corrupt Blockchain

Errors regarding a corrupt blockchain are often due to unexpected complete power loss, or a cheap power supply not giving the required voltage. Ensure your power supply is more than adequate for both your device and it's peripherals (USB drive +anything else plugged in). It is possible but rare that a corrupted blockchain can be salvaged with either --db-salvage or --pop-blocks.

  • USB Unmounting

If your USB drive randomly unmounts when Monero is running and you use a Raspberry Pi, it could be caused by your USB adapter. It is talked about here

  • USB Not mounting on boot (rare) More unusual and technical, but connecting multiple USB storage devices which have the label 'XMRBLOCKCHAIN' (for restore) can confuse the USB storage helper. When it assigns the UUID to /etc/fstab for boot mounting it will add the first drive from the list 'lsblk'. Only attach one drive at a time containing label 'XMRBLOCKCHAIN'.