This is a Naruto-themed expense tracker web app built with Node.js, Express & MongoDB. Keep track of your income & expenses and browse the records in different months/types/categoires!
This project is live on Heroku:
You can register your own account or login with Facebook or the default user account:
password: 123
- Users are able to register a new account
or login with local, Facebook or Google account
- Users are able to browse a list of expense/income records with selecting customized filters
- Users are able to create, edit, delete expense/income records
- Users are able to change their profile picture & login password
- Users are able to see their expense/income records in a doughnut chart visualization
- Clone this project to your local machine with terminal
git clone
- Find the folder of this project and open it with your code editor
cd expense-tracker
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Add .env file and fill in your credentials
FACEBOOK_ID=(your facebook app client id)
FACEBOOK_SECRET=(your facebook app client secret)
SESSION_SECRET=(your app session secret)
MONGODB_URI=(your mongoDB URI)
IMGUR_CLIENT_ID=(your imgur client id)
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=(your google app client id)
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=(your google app client id)
- Run seeder
npm run seed
- Run project
npm run start
- Open your browser and enter path