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                            Similix 5.0

                           Anders Bondorf

                           DIKU, May 1993


    Similix, a Self-Applicable Partial Evaluator for a Subset of Scheme
    Copyright (C) 1993 Anders Bondorf

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.


The GNU General Public License may be found in the file COPYING.

PLEASE NOTE: Similix is an experimental system under development which
may contain bugs and errors. You are encouraged to mail us about bugs,
comments, suggestions and the like, but we cannot promise to give
detailed answers to every communication.


                    General Description of Similix

Similix is an autoprojector (self-applicable partial evaluator) for a
large higher-order subset of the strict functional language Scheme.
Similix treats source programs that use a limited class of
side-effects, for instance input/output operations. Similix handles
partially static data structures.

Similix is automatic: in general, no user annotations (such as
unfolding information) are required; user assistance may in some cases
be required to avoid looping, however. Similix gives certain
guarantees concerning the residual programs it generates: computations
are never discarded (partial evaluation thus preserves termination
properties) and never duplicated.

Similix is well-suited for partially evaluating for instance
interpreters that use environments represented as functions and
interpreters written in continuation passing style. Since Similix is
self-applicable, stand-alone compilers can be generated from

Similix is highly portable. It conforms to the IEEE and R4RS Scheme
standards, but it also runs under R3RS Scheme. This distribution
should immediately enable you to run Similix on Scm and on Chez
Scheme. We have tested this version of Similix on Scm version 4c0 and
on Chez Scheme version 3.2.

Similix 5.0 is based on the former Similix 4.0 (by Anders Bondorf and
Olivier Danvy). A part of Similix 5.0 has been written jointly by
Anders Bondorf and Jesper J{\o}rgensen.

The manual contains a section that summarizes some often used
binding-time improvements. These are needed in order to obtain good
results of partial evaluation. The section is partly Similix-specific,
but parts of it are of more general interest.


                        Mailing Address

Please direct any Similix communication to Anders Bondorf, preferably
by e-mail:

        Anders Bondorf
        DIKU, Department of Computer Science
        University of Copenhagen
        Universitetsparken 1
        DK-2100 Copenhagen \O



                        Installation Guide

The Similix directory contains the following files and subdirectories:

COPYING:        the GNU General Public License
README:         this file
emacs-stuff:    file for running Scheme within emacs
examples/:      examples of running Similix
manual.dvi:     Similix manual in TeX dvi-format
system/:        Similix system files


This distribution should immediately enable you to run Similix on Scm
and on Chez Scheme.


Scm is a public domain system developed by

        Aubrey Jaffer
        84 Pleasant St.
        MA 01880

Scm can be obtained by anonymous ftp at
(archive/scm) and at (pub/scheme/new). You will need
the "slib" files "pp.scm" and "format.scm" which can be obtained at
the same ftp-sites.


Chez Scheme is a commercial system distributed by Cadence Research
Systems. Contact address:

        Kent Dybvig
        Cadence Research Systems
        620 Park Ridge Road
        IN 47408

Information can also be requested via e-mail at


Installing Similix on Scm:

(1) Insert two path names in the file "system/sim-scm.scm" (see the file).

(2) Similix is now installed. Try to run the job "getting-started" in
    the "examples" directory.

(3) If someone else is going to use Similix, this person should execute

        (load "<your local path>/system/sim-scm.scm")

    instead of

        (load "../system/sim-scm.scm")

(4) When loading Similix, the directory of the Scheme session must
    always be one where the Similix user has write permission. The
    reason is that Similix uses a temporary file named "_simtmp" in
    the Scheme session directory that was active when Similix was


Installing Similix on Chez Scheme:

(1) Position yourself in the "system" directory.

(2) Insert one path name in the file "system/" (see the file).

(3) Rename all files "<file>.scm" in system diretcory to "<file>.ss" and
    copy "cogen.sim" to "" and "spec.sim" to ""; these
    operations can be done by simply executing the shell script

(4) Start Chez Scheme and execute the following expressions:

        (compile-file "abssyn")
        (compile-file "bt-eod")
        (compile-file "constr")
        (compile-file "front")
        (compile-file "lam-lift")
        (compile-file "langext")
        (compile-file "loadsysf")
        (compile-file "miscspec")
        (compile-file "oc")
        (compile-file "post")
        (compile-file "rl")
        (compile-file "runtime")
        (compile-file "sp")
        (compile-file "util")
        (compile-file "cogen")
        (compile-file "spec")
        (compile-file "")

(5) Remove the copies "" and "" from the system directory;
    this can be done by executing the shell script "script2".

(6) Similix is now installed. Try to run the job "getting-started" in
    the "examples" directory. In general, when executing job-files in the
    examples directory, remember to execute

        (load "../system/")

    instead of

        (load "../system/sim-scm.scm").

(7) If someone else is going to use Similix, this person should execute

        (load "<your local path>/system/")

    instead of

        (load "../system/")


Porting and installing Similix on other Scheme systems:

The only non-standard part of Similix is a part of the initial load
file ("sim-scm.scm" for Scm and "" for Chez Scheme). To
port Similix, all you you need to do is to change this system
dependent part.

If you use a Scheme system with a compiler, use "" as a
starting point (and read the the above installation manual for Similix
on Chez Scheme). If the Scheme system only has an interpreter, use
"sim-scm.scm" as a starting point. In particular, notice the different
ways the variables **Similix-...-suffix** are set up in ""
and "sim-scm.scm".

The load file "sim-poor.scm" gives a fully portable, but indeed very
"poor man's", set of usable procedure definitions (it sets up the
variables **Similix-...-suffix** for an interpretive Scheme system).
You may use this file as a starting point (we successfully tried
"sim-poor.scm" on MIT-Scheme version 7.1.3); consult the files
"sim-scm.scm" and "" to get hints for more useful


                Running Scheme within emacs:

If the emacs editor is used, first insert site-dependent information
in the file "emacs-stuff". Then add the contents of "emacs-stuff" to
your ".emacs" file. You can now run Scheme within emacs by typing

        M-x ("escape-x") run-scheme
        M-x ("escape-x") run-scheme1

Note: This only works if you are in a file buffer (it does not work
from the *scratch* buffer, for instance). Scheme starts in the current



William Clinger and Jonathan Rees: Revised$^4$ report on the
algorithmic language Scheme, November 1991.

IEEE Standard for the Scheme Programming Language, May 1990, IEEE Std


                Obtaining Similix via anonymous ftp:


login:    anonymous
password: <your username, full e-mail address>
          cd pub/diku/dists
          get Similix.tar.Z

To decode the file Similix.tar.Z, run

        uncompress < Similix.tar.Z | tar xvpf -

A directory named


then appears. Now read the file Similix/README.


(end of README file)


A Self-Applicable Partial Evaluator for a Subset of Scheme - Mirror of







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