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14.1. Practical Vim Notes

Shin Okada edited this page Jul 31, 2015 · 1 revision


In the insert mode use this to paste content from register 0 for example

:h i_CTRL-R


Delete, Yank and Put with unnamed register


# transposing two characters
xp # to cut and paste it after the cursor since it is a character-wise register.

# transposing two lines, paste below the cursor line since it is a line-wise register.


Tip 16

# Insert mode 

Commenting and uncommenting

Use \\{motion} or install commentary plugin and use gc{motion} to comment.

# comment a line
\\\ # gcc
# comment two lines
\\j # gcj
# comment three lines
\\2j # gc2j
# comment four lines
\\3j # gc3j
# comment a paragraph
\\ap # gcap
# comment to the end of the file
\\G # gcG

Inserting unusual characters

Tip 18

# Insert mode <C-v>code
# <C-v>065 is A
# For hexadecial use u after <C-v>
# <C-v>u00bf is ¿

Use ga to see the character code under cursor.

<C-v>{123}       # Insert character by decimal code
<C-v>u{1234}     # Insert character by hexadecimal code
<C-v>{nondigit}  # Isert nondigit literally	
<C-k>{char1}{char2} # Insert character represente by digraph

Check :h digraphs-use or :h digraph-table.

# Insert mode <C-v>code
# <C-v>065 is A
# For hexadecial use u after <C-v>
# <C-v>u00bf is ¿

Use ga to see the character code.

<C-v>{123}       # Insert character by decimal code
<C-v>u{1234}     # Insert character by hexadecimal code
<C-v>{nondigit}  # Isert nondigit literally	
<C-k>{char1}{char2} # Insert character represente by digraph

Check :h digraphs-use or :h digraph-table.

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