a Xray relay chaining auto installer
bash <(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shinya-dono/shiChain/main/installer.sh)
then simply choose your relay server and wait for the installation to finish.
- configures Xray relay
- configures Xray outbound
- installs Namizun
- install bbr
- fix asiatech bad repos
you can set these env variables to change the default behavior of the installer
export INSTALL_PATH= #where to install shiChain (default: /etc/shichain)
export XRAY_PATH= #where to install Xray (default: $INSTALL_PATH/xray)
export CONFIG_PATH= #where to store Xray config (default: $INSTALL_PATH/config.json)
export IRAN_DAT_FILE= #where to store Iran.dat (default: $INSTALL_PATH/iran.dat)
export LOG_PATH= #where to store Xray logs (/var/log/shichain/(access|error).log)
export INSTALL_USER= #user to run Xray (default: nobody)
- add more relay options
- add more outbound options
- add cloudflare warp support
- add trojan support
- add cloudflare masking support