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Shish edited this page Oct 25, 2020 · 2 revisions


Theme customisation is done by creating files in themes/<theme name>.

The general idea with Shimmie theming is that each Extension will add a set of Blocks to the Page, then the Page is in charge of deciding how they should be laid out, what they should look like, etc.

The overall layout is controlled by page.class.php, where the render() function will take a look at all of the separate Blocks and turn them into the final rendered HTML.

Individual Extensions will render their content by calling functions in ext/<extension name>/theme.php - for example the code in ext/comment/main.php will display a list of comments by calling display_comment_list() from ext/comment/theme.php.

If a theme wants to customise how the comment list is rendered, it would do so by creating an override file in themes/<theme name>/comment.theme.php with contents like:

class CustomCommentTheme extends CommentTheme {
    public function display_comment_list(
	array $images,
	int $page_number,
	int $total_pages,
	bool $can_post
    ) {
        /* render the comment list however you like here */

Events and Extensions

An event is a little blob of data saying "something happened", possibly "something happened, here's the specific data". Events are sent with the send_event() function. Since events can store data, they can be used to return data to the extension which sent them, for example:

$tfe = send_event(new TextFormattingEvent($original_text));
$formatted_text = $tfe->formatted;

An extension is something which is capable of reacting to events.

Useful Variables

There are a few global variables which are pretty essential to most extensions:

  • $config -- some variety of Config subclass
  • $database -- a Database object used to get raw SQL access
  • $page -- a Page to hold all the loose bits of extension output
  • $user -- the currently logged in User
  • $cache -- an optional Cache for fast key / value lookups (eg Memcache)

Each of these can be imported at the start of a function with eg "global $page, $user;"

The Hello World Extension

Here's a simple extension which listens for PageRequestEvents, and each time it sees one, it sends out a HelloEvent.

// ext/hello/main.php
public class HelloEvent extends Event {
    public function __construct(string $username) {
        $this->username = $username;

public class Hello extends Extension {
    public function onPageRequest(PageRequestEvent $event) {   // Every time a page request is sent
        global $user;                                          // Look at the global "currently logged in user" object
        send_event(new HelloEvent($user->name));               // Broadcast a signal saying hello to that user
    public function onHello(HelloEvent $event) {               // When the "Hello" signal is recieved
        $this->theme->display_hello($event->username);         // Display a message on the web page
// ext/hello/theme.php
public class HelloTheme extends Themelet {
    public function display_hello(string $username) {
        global $page;
        $h_user = html_escape($username);                     // Escape the data before adding it to the page
        $block = new Block("Hello!", "Hello there $h_user");  // HTML-safe variables start with "h_"
        $page->add_block($block);                             // Add the block to the page
// themes/mytheme/hello.theme.php
public class CustomHelloTheme extends HelloTheme {     // CustomHelloTheme overrides HelloTheme
    public function display_hello(string $username) {  // the display_hello() function is customised
        global $page;
        $h_user = html_escape($username);
        $page->add_block(new Block(
            "Hello there $h_user, look at my snazzy custom theme!"


ui-* cookies are for the client-side scripts only; in some configurations (eg with varnish cache) they will be stripped before they reach the server

shm-* CSS classes are for javascript to hook into; if you're customising themes, be careful with these, and avoid styling them, eg:

  • shm-thumb = outermost element of a thumbnail
    • data-tags
    • data-post-id
  • shm-toggler = click this to toggle elements that match the selector
    • data-toggle-sel
  • shm-unlocker = click this to unlock elements that match the selector
    • data-unlock-sel
  • shm-clink = a link to a comment, flash the target element when clicked
    • data-clink-sel


Please tell me if those docs are lacking in any way, so that they can be improved for the next person who uses them

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