This repo contains code for RESTful API Services using Goa framework
The Service has been implemented using Goa framework which is built on top of Go and it uses built-in DSL that allows describing the design of the microservice
For more details:
The below file contains the code for design of micro service This is where our design of Micro-service starts, we need to mention all our methods/endpoints for API here
The Service has below endpoints:
- Add
- Update
- List
- Show
- Delete
- Restore
- Viewdeleted
- Search
I have used MSSQL SERVER for database operations The below file contains the code for SQL Operations:
And, the below file contains the Business Logic where we call our downstream service(i.e. MSSQL in this case)
we will initliaze all the clients, endpoints and services in main.go, below is the link:
To execute it in Local, run 'go build cmd/empfecther/main.go cmd/empfecther/http.go'
It will generate the binary file called 'empfetcher', run the binary file like './empfetcher' which will start running in default port 8080
Note: If you want to change the default port, use flag options. execute below command, it will show the different flags available for service(taken care by goa based on our implementation)
./empfecther --help
Usage of ./empfetcher:
-database string
Name of the SQL database (default "employee")
Log request and response bodies
-domain string
Host domain name (overrides host domain specified in service design)
-host string
Server host (valid values: localhost) (default "localhost")
-http-port string
HTTP port (overrides host HTTP port specified in service design)
-password string
Password for SQL server (default "")
Use secure scheme (https or grpcs)
-sql-server string
SQL server (default "localhost")
-username string
Username for SQL server (default "sa")
./empfecther -http-port 8002 Service starts running like below:
[empfetcherapi] 07:29:12 HTTP "Add" mounted on POST /api/v1/employees
[empfetcherapi] 07:29:12 HTTP "Update" mounted on PUT /api/v1/employees
[empfetcherapi] 07:29:12 HTTP "List" mounted on GET /api/v1/employees
[empfetcherapi] 07:29:12 HTTP "Show" mounted on GET /api/v1/employees/{id}
[empfetcherapi] 07:29:12 HTTP "Delete" mounted on DELETE /api/v1/employees/{id}
[empfetcherapi] 07:29:12 HTTP "Restore" mounted on PUT /api/v1/employees/{id}
[empfetcherapi] 07:29:12 HTTP "Viewdeleted" mounted on GET /api/v1/employees/deactivated
[empfetcherapi] 07:29:12 HTTP "Search" mounted on GET /api/v1/employees/search/{name}
[empfetcherapi] 07:29:12 HTTP server listening on "localhost:8002"
The server is running using binary file generated by go build. Now, we can call our service's different methods/endpoints in postman
empfetcher Service base URL: http://localhost:8080/api/v1/employees/
- Add - Adds a new employee record. Everytime Unique ID will get generated for employee ID. I used 'Google UUID' to generate the unique ID's.
p.ID = guuid.New().String()