SSformer is A Lightweight Transformer for Semantic Segmentation.
SSformer structure:
We use MMSegmentation v0.24.1 as the codebase.
For install , please refer to the guidelines in MMSegmentation v0.24.1.
An example (works for me): CUDA 11.3
and pytorch 1.10.0
Here is a full script for setting up SSformer with conda and link the dataset path (supposing that your dataset path is $DATA_ROOT).
conda create -n SSformer python=3.10 -y
conda activate SSformer
conda install pytorch=1.11.0 torchvision cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
pip install mmcv-full -f
git clone
cd SSformer
pip install -e . # or "python develop"
mkdir data
ln -s $DATA_ROOT data
Here is a full script for setting up SSformer with conda and link the dataset path (supposing that your dataset path is %DATA_ROOT%. Notice: It must be an absolute path).
conda create -n SSformer python=3.10 -y
conda activate SSformer
conda install pytorch=1.11.0 torchvision cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
set PATH=full\path\to\your\cpp\compiler;%PATH%
pip install mmcv
git clone
cd SSformer
pip install -e . # or "python develop"
mklink /D data %DATA_ROOT%
For dataset preparation, please refer to the guidelines in this link.
It is recommended to symlink the dataset root to SSformer/data
If your folder structure is different, you may need to change the corresponding paths in config files.
The fold structure is recommended to be:
├── data
│ ├── cityscapes
│ │ ├── leftImg8bit
│ │ │ ├── train
│ │ │ ├── val
│ │ ├── gtFine
│ │ │ ├── train
│ │ │ ├── val
│ ├── ade
│ │ ├── ADEChallengeData2016
│ │ │ ├── annotations
│ │ │ │ ├── training
│ │ │ │ ├── validation
│ │ │ ├── images
│ │ │ │ ├── training
│ │ │ │ ├── validation
The data could be found here after registration.
By convention, **labelTrainIds.png
are used for cityscapes training.
MMsegmentation provided a script based on cityscapesscripts
to generate **labelTrainIds.png
# --nproc means 8 process for conversion, which could be omitted as well.
python tools/convert_datasets/ data/cityscapes --nproc 8
Part of SSformer's segmentation results on Cityscapes:
The training and validation set of ADE20K could be download from this link. You may also download test set from here.
Part of SSformer's segmentation results on ADE20K:
Download trained weights.
Example: evaluate SSformer
on ADE20K
# Single-gpu testing
python tools/ configs/SSformer/ /path/to/checkpoint_file --show
Example: evaluate SSformer
on Cityscapes
# Single-gpu testing
python tools/ configs/SSformer/ /path/to/checkpoint_file --show
Download weights pretrained on ImageNet-22K, and put them in a folder pretrained/
Example: train SSFormer
on ADE20K
# Single-gpu training
python tools/ configs/SSformer/
Here is a demo script to test a single image. More details refer to MMSegmentation's Doc.
python demo/ ${IMAGE_FILE} ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CHECKPOINT_FILE} [--device ${DEVICE_NAME}] [--palette-thr ${PALETTE}]
Example: visualize SSformer
on CityScapes
python demo/ demo/demo.png configs/SSformer/ \
/path/to/checkpoint_file --device cuda:0 --palette cityscapes
Please check the LICENSE file.
Thanks to previous open-sourced repo: mmsegmentation Swin-Transformer SegFormer