- About
- Getting Started
- CLI Tools Usage
- trustm_cert
- trustm_chipinfo
- trustm_data
- trustm_ecc_keygen
- trustm_ecc_sign
- trustm_ecc_verify
- trustm_errorcode
- trustm_metadata
- trustm_monotonic_counter
- trustm_readmetadata_data
- trustm_readmetadata_private
- trustm_readmetadata_status
- trustm_read_status
- trustm_rsa_dec
- trustm_rsa_enc
- trustm_rsa_keygen
- trustm_rsa_sign
- trustm_rsa_verify
- trustm_symmetric_keygen
- trustm_symmetric_enc
- trustm_symmetric_dec
- trustm_hkdf
- trustm_hmac
- trustm_hmac_verify_Auth
- trustm_protected_update
- trustm_protected_update_aeskey
- trustm_protected_update_ecckey
- trustm_protected_update_rsakey
- trustm_protected_update_data
- Trust M1/M3 OpenSSL Engine usage
- Known observations
This is a Linux Tools for OPTIGA Trust M1/M3 on Linux platform that consist of:
Following is the software component to build the tools :
- OpenSSL development library (libssl-dev)
- OpenSSL 1.1.1d
- OPTIGA Trust M1/M3 library (source code)
- pthread
- rt
Hardware platforms and boards:
Raspberry PI 3/4 on Linux kernel >= 4.19
Getting the initial code from Github with submodules
foo@bar:~$ git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/Infineon/linux-optiga-trust-m.git
Note: The following commands are optional and it is required only when switching between different branches.
foo@bar:~$ git checkout development_v3
foo@bar:~$ git submodule update -f
Run the commands below to install the required dependencies and Linux tools for optiga trust m
foo@bar:~$ cd linux-optiga-trust-m
foo@bar:~$ ./trustm_installation_script.sh
1)Enable I2C interface for Raspberry Pi to communicate with optiga trustm m
2)The patch applied inside trustm_installation_script.sh will change the reset type to use soft reset as follow in the header file at "linux-optiga-trust-m/trustm_lib/optiga/include/optiga/"
- optiga_lib_config_m_v3.h for OPTIGA™ Trust M3
To build for AARCH64, uncomment this Marco in Makefile
#~ Uncomment this for AARCH64 or pass it as argument in command line
#~ AARCH64 = YES
Or run the script below:
foo@bar:~$ ./trustm_installation_aarch64_script.sh
Note: AARCH64 = YES is passed as argument in trustm_installation_aarch64_script.sh.
- To pair the host with OPTIGA™ Trust M, please run the test script "write_default_shared_secret" inside "linux-optiga-trust-m/scripts/misc/" to write the default shared secret into OPTIGA™ Trust M.
- For secuirty reason, all commands in the following examples are with "Shielded Connection Enabled" and hence will increase the security counter by one. It is at the user discretion to disable "Shielded Connection" by using "-X" option if required by the application.
Read/Write/Clear certificate from/to certificate data object. Output and input certificate in PEM format.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_cert
Help menu: trustm_cert <option> ...<option>
-r <Cert OID> : Read Certificate from OID 0xNNNN
-w <Cert OID> : Write Certificte to OID
-o <filename> : Output certificate to file
-i <filename> : Input certificate to file
-c <Cert OID> : Clear cert OID data to zero
-X : Bypass Shielded Communication
-h : Print this help
Example : read OID 0xE0E0 and output the certification to teste0e0.crt
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_cert -r 0xe0e0 -o teste0e0.crt
OID : 0xE0E0
Output File Name : teste0e0.crt
foo@bar:~$ cat teste0e0.crt
Example : write certificate teste0e0.crt into OID 0xE0E1
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_cert -w 0xe0e1 -i teste0e0.crt
Example : clear certificate store in OID 0xE0E1
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_cert -c 0xe0e1
Display the OPTIGA™ Trust M chip information
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_chipinfo
Read Chip Info [0xE0C2]: Success.
CIM Identifier [bCimIdentifer]: 0xcd
Platform Identifer [bPlatformIdentifier]: 0x16
Model Identifer [bModelIdentifier]: 0x33
ID of ROM mask [wROMCode]: 0x8201
Chip Type [rgbChipType]: 0x00 0x1c 0x00 0x05 0x00 0x00
Batch Number [rgbBatchNumber]: 0x0a 0x09 0x1b 0x5c 0x00 0x07
X-coordinate [wChipPositionX]: 0x0020
Y-coordinate [wChipPositionY]: 0x008e
Firmware Identifier [dwFirmwareIdentifier]: 0x80101071
Build Number [rgbESWBuild]: 08 09
Chip software build:
OPTIGA(TM) Trust M rev.1; Firmware Version: 1.30.809
Read/Write/Erase OID data object in raw format.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_data
Help menu: trustm_data <option> ...<option>
-r <OID> : Read from OID 0xNNNN
-w <OID> : Write to OID
-i <filename> : Input file
-I <value> : Input byte value
-o <filename> : Output file
-p <offset> : Offset position
-e : Erase and wirte
-X : Bypass Shielded Communication
-h : Print this help
Example : writing text file 1234.txt into OID 0xE0E1 and reading after writing
foo@bar:~$ cat 1234.txt
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_data -w 0xe0e1 -i 1234.txt
Device Public Key [0xE0E1] Offset: 0
Input data :
31 32 33 34 0a
Write Success.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_data -r 0xe0e1
Device Public Key [0xE0E1] [Size 0005] :
31 32 33 34 0a
Example : erase with offset OID 0xE0E1
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_data -w 0xe0e1 -e -p 10 -i 1234.txt
Device Public Key [0xE0E1] Offset: 10
Input data :
31 32 33 34 0a
Write Success.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_data -r 0xe0e1
Device Public Key [0xE0E1] [Size 0015] :
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 31 32 33 34 0a
Generate OPTIGA™ Trust M ECC key pair. Key type can be or together to form multiple type.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_ecc_keygen
Help menu: trustm_ecc_keygen <option> ...<option>
-g <Key OID> : Generate ECC Key in OID 0xNNNN
-t <key type> : Key type Auth:0x01 Enc :0x02 HFWU:0x04
DevM:0X08 Sign:0x10 Agmt:0x20
[default Auth]
-k <key size> : Key size ECC256:0x03 ECC384:0x04 ECC521:0x05
[default ECC256]
-o <filename> : Output Pubkey to file in PEM format
-s : Save Pubkey in <Key OID + 0x10E0>
Save Pubkey in <Key OID + 0x10EF>
-X : Bypass Shielded Communication
-h : Print this help
Note: For ECC521/BRAINPOOL512 keygen with "-s", the private key slot can only be chosen from 0xE0F1 and 0xE0F2 if you want to save the public key into the data objects. User may make use of "-o" option to output public key to file.
For private key slot 0xE0F1, the public key will be stored in 0xF1E0.
For private key slot 0xE0F2, the public key will be stored in 0xF1E1.
Example : generate an ECC256 key with type Auth/Enc/Sign in OID 0xE0F3 and save pubkey in OID 0xF1D3.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_ecc_keygen -g 0xe0f3 -t 0x13 -k 0x03 -o test_e0f3_pub.pem -s
Generating Key to 0xE0F3
Output File Name : test_e0f3_pub.pem
Pubkey :
30 59 30 13 06 07 2A 86 48 CE 3D 02 01 06 08 2A
86 48 CE 3D 03 01 07 03 42 00 04 F1 55 65 CB 42
FB 3E 58 DB C6 9F 67 E8 FC D3 48 F6 AA 5F 13 2D
F6 3B A7 90 22 B4 B6 D3 4E 5B BB 98 AB 46 97 BD
2A 03 A6 27 A5 4D FB 95 C2 BB 9A D3 AF A9 4E A7
D6 A1 63 9F 93 B6 71 57 07 E6 00
Write Success to OID: 0xF1D3.
foo@bar:~$ cat test_e0f3_pub.pem
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_data -r 0xf1d3
App DataStrucObj type 3 [0xF1D3] [Size 0091] :
30 59 30 13 06 07 2A 86 48 CE 3D 02 01 06 08 2A
86 48 CE 3D 03 01 07 03 42 00 04 F1 55 65 CB 42
FB 3E 58 DB C6 9F 67 E8 FC D3 48 F6 AA 5F 13 2D
F6 3B A7 90 22 B4 B6 D3 4E 5B BB 98 AB 46 97 BD
2A 03 A6 27 A5 4D FB 95 C2 BB 9A D3 AF A9 4E A7
D6 A1 63 9F 93 B6 71 57 07 E6 00
Simple demo to show the process to sign using OPTIGA™ Trust M ECC key.
Note : to output OpenSSL signature format used -o
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_ecc_sign
Help menu: trustm_ecc_sign <option> ...<option>
-k <OID Key> : Select ECC key for signing OID (0xE0F0-0xE0F3)
-o <filename> : Output to file with header
-O <filename> : Output to file without header
-i <filename> : Input Data file
-H : Hash before sign
-X : Bypass Shielded Communication
-h : Print this help
Example : Hash and sign the file helloworld.txt with key OID 0xE0F3 and output to testsignature.bin
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_ecc_sign -k 0xe0f3 -o testsignature.bin -i helloworld.txt -H
OID Key : 0xE0F3
Output File Name : testsignature.bin
Input File Name : helloworld.txt
Hash Success : SHA256
8C D0 7F 3A 5F F9 8F 2A 78 CF C3 66 C1 3F B1 23
EB 8D 29 C1 CA 37 C7 9D F1 90 42 5D 5B 9E 42 4D
filesize: 11
foo@bar:~$ hd testsignature.bin
00000000 30 44 02 20 14 ea 77 98 ed 26 89 40 22 bb a0 60 |0D. ..w..&.@"..`|
00000010 c5 1f 01 8f 65 21 7a 98 0d 63 73 03 4e ea 13 39 |....e!z..cs.N..9|
00000020 0c ed 58 8a 02 20 2a 7b fc 7a dd 2e 75 86 41 f5 |..X.. *{.z..u.A.|
00000030 43 14 ec e8 14 34 6b 2a 20 68 23 eb 14 ec 59 2f |C....4k* h#...Y/|
00000040 37 04 37 44 62 c9 |7.7Db.|
Simple demo to show the process to verify using OPTIGA™ Trust M library.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_ecc_verify
Help menu: trustm_ecc_verify <option> ...<option>
-k <OID Key> : Use Certificate from OID [0xE0E1-E0E3]
-p <pubkey> : Use Pubkey file
-i <filename> : Input Data file
-s <signature> : Signature file
-H : Hash input before verify
-X : Bypass Shielded Communication
-h : Print this help
Example : verifying a signature using external public key.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_ecc_verify -i helloworld.txt -s testsignature.bin -p test_e0f3_pub.pem -H
Pubkey file : test_e0f3_pub.pem
Input File Name : helloworld.txt
Signature File Name : testsignature.bin
Hash Digest :
8C D0 7F 3A 5F F9 8F 2A 78 CF C3 66 C1 3F B1 23
EB 8D 29 C1 CA 37 C7 9D F1 90 42 5D 5B 9E 42 4D
Signature :
02 20 14 EA 77 98 ED 26 89 40 22 BB A0 60 C5 1F
01 8F 65 21 7A 98 0D 63 73 03 4E EA 13 39 0C ED
58 8A 02 20 2A 7B FC 7A DD 2E 75 86 41 F5 43 14
EC E8 14 34 6B 2A 20 68 23 EB 14 EC 59 2F 37 04
37 44 62 C9
Pub key : [256]
03 42 00 04 F1 55 65 CB 42 FB 3E 58 DB C6 9F 67
E8 FC D3 48 F6 AA 5F 13 2D F6 3B A7 90 22 B4 B6
D3 4E 5B BB 98 AB 46 97 BD 2A 03 A6 27 A5 4D FB
95 C2 BB 9A D3 AF A9 4E A7 D6 A1 63 9F 93 B6 71
57 07 E6 00
Verify Success.
Example : verifying using certificate store in OID 0xE0E3.
Note : This example assume you have a valid x.509 certificate with key usage for signature store in OID 0xE0E3 and data is signed by the private key of the x.509 certificate.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_ecc_verify -i helloworld.txt -s testsignature.bin -k 0xe0e3 -H
OID Cert : 0xE0E3
Input File Name : helloworld.txt
Signature File Name : testsignature.bin
Hash Digest :
8C D0 7F 3A 5F F9 8F 2A 78 CF C3 66 C1 3F B1 23
EB 8D 29 C1 CA 37 C7 9D F1 90 42 5D 5B 9E 42 4D
Signature :
02 20 14 EA 77 98 ED 26 89 40 22 BB A0 60 C5 1F
01 8F 65 21 7A 98 0D 63 73 03 4E EA 13 39 0C ED
58 8A 02 20 2A 7B FC 7A DD 2E 75 86 41 F5 43 14
EC E8 14 34 6B 2A 20 68 23 EB 14 EC 59 2F 37 04
37 44 62 C9
Verify Success.
List all the known OPTIGA™ Trust M error code with description
Modify OPTIGA™ Trust M OID metadata.
Warning : Any manipuldation with the lifecycle state LcsO like -I, -O and -T option might lock the data/key slot permanently. Depending on the access condition cofiguration "locking" means you would be able to use it, but, for instance, not change..
The Lcs is implemented in a way that the four primary states only progress in one direction from a lower value to a higher value(e.g. initialization(in)=>operational(op) state). Once Lcs0 is set to higher value, it is not reversible and can not be set to lower value any more.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_metadata
Help menu: trustm_metadata <option> ...<option>
-r <OID> : Read metadata of OID 0xNNNN
-w <OID> : Write metadata of OID
-C <data> : Set Change mode (a:ALW,
i:Lsc0 < 0x03,
o:Lsc0 < 0x07,
t:Lsc0 < 0x0F,
f:<input file for complex setting>)
-R <data> : Set Read mode (a:ALW,
i:Lsc0 < 0x03,
o:Lsc0 < 0x07,
t:Lsc0 < 0x0F,
f:<input file for complex setting>)
-E <data> : Set Change mode (a:ALW,
i:Lsc0 < 0x03,
o:Lsc0 < 0x07,
t:Lsc0 < 0x0F,
f:<input file for complex setting>)
-F <file> : Custom input
: (Need to input the full Metadata to be written)
-I : Set Initialization State (Lsc0: 0x03)
-O : Set Operational State (Lsc0: 0x07)
-T : Set Termination State (Lsc0: 0x0F)
-X : Bypass Shielded Communication
-h : Print this help
Example : changing OID 0xE0E1 metadata to read only and reading the metadata after changing
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_metadata -w 0xe0e1 -Cn -Ra
Device Public Key [0xE0E1]
20 06 D0 01 FF D1 01 00
Write Success.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_metadata -r 0xe0e1
Device Public Key [0xE0E1] [Size 0025] :
20 17 c0 01 01 c4 02 06 c0 c5 02 01 dc d0 01 ff
d1 01 00 d3 01 00 e8 01 12
LcsO:0x01, Max:1728, Used:476, C:NEV, R:ALW, E:ALW, DType:DEVCERT,
Example : charging OID 0xE0E1 metadata using complex setting (LcsO>3||LcsG<4) for Change mode
foo@bar:~$ echo -e -n \\x07\\xe1\\xfb\\x03\\xfe\\x70\\xfc\\x04 > complexsetting.bin
foo@bar:~$ hd complexsetting.bin
00000000 07 e1 fb 03 fe 70 fc 04 |.....p..|
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_metadata -w 0xe0e1 -Cf:complexsetting.bin
Device Public Key [0xE0E1]
20 09 D0 07 E1 FB 03 FE 70 FC 04
Write Success.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_metadata -r 0xe0e1
Device Public Key [0xE0E1] [Size 0031] :
20 1d c0 01 01 c4 02 06 c0 c5 02 01 dc d0 07 e1
fb 03 fe 70 fc 04 d1 01 00 d3 01 00 e8 01 12
LcsO:0x01, Max:1728, Used:476, C:LcsO>3||LcsG<4, R:ALW, E:ALW, DType:DEVCERT,
Simple demo to show the OPTIGA™ Trust M monotonic counter.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_monotonic_counter
Help menu: trustm_monotonic_counter <option> ...<option>
-r <OID> : Read from OID [0xE120-0xE123]
-w <OID> : Write to OID [0xE120-0xE123]
-u <OID> : Update Counter [0xE120-0xE123]
-i <value> : Input Value
-s <value> : Increment Steps
-X : Bypass Shielded Communication
-h : Print this help
Example : Setting the threshold value to 10 and resetting the counter to zero
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_monotonic_counter -w 0xe120 -i 10
Input Value : 10 [0x0000000A]
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0a
Write Success.
Example : Count up the monotonic counter in steps of 2
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_monotonic_counter -u 0xe120 -s 2
Steps Value : 2 [0x00000002]
Update Counter Success.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_monotonic_counter -r 0xe120
Monotonic Counter x : [0xE120]
Threshold : 0x0000000A [10]
Counter Value : 0x00000002 [2]
Read all data object listed below
oid : 0xE0E0-0xE0E3, 0xE0E8-0xE0E9, 0xE0EF,
0xE140, 0xF1D0-0xF1DB, 0xF1E0-0xF1E1
Read all data object metadata listed below
oid : 0xE0E0-0xE0E3, 0xE0E8-0xE0E9, 0xE0EF,
0xE120-0xE123, 0xE200,
0xE140, 0xF1D0-0xF1DB, 0xF1E0-0xF1E1
Read all data object metadata listed below
oid : 0xE0F0-0xE0F3,
Read all data object metadata listed below
oid : 0xE0C0-0xE0C6,
Read all data object listed below
oid : 0xE0C0-0xE0C6,
Simple demo to show the process to decrypt using OPTIGA™ Trust M RSA key.
Note : This example assume RSA key with usage Encryption has already been generated and data is encrypted by the pubkey
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_rsa_dec
Help menu: trustm_rsa_dec <option> ...<option>
-k <OID Key> : Select key to decrypt OID 0xNNNN
-o <filename> : Output to file
-i <filename> : Input Data file
-X : Bypass Shielded Communication
-h : Print this help
Example : Decrypt using OID Key 0xE0FC, an encrypted file test_e0fc.enc and output to test_e0fc.dec
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_rsa_dec -k 0xe0fc -o test_e0fc.dec -i test_e0fc.enc
OID Key : 0xE0FC
Output File Name : test_e0fc.dec
Input File Name : test_e0fc.enc
Input data :
35 38 AC E8 54 CA 02 92 A7 B4 72 0A 62 F9 7B DD
CC C7 E1 9C A4 52 D6 AF CC 04 E4 B4 54 19 85 DD
10 80 FA 8B 04 8E B0 5E 29 C5 F5 2F A7 99 BB EC
2E 69 D4 AB 35 80 BF F5 87 6D 80 65 60 3E A6 31
6E 05 80 F2 CB 9E 32 DA F2 82 DB 15 D6 9C 1E DF
FE 1C 5E 1F 7F E6 6D 2A EA B3 54 AD 41 AF C2 08
FE BF C7 B5 87 22 79 A2 AA F3 0D 71 BA DB 5D F7
CE 50 EA 89 D4 42 BD 0B 11 6A C8 11 2F 09 99 28
foo@bar:~$ cat test_e0fc.dec
Simple demo to show the process to encrypt using OPTIGA™ Trust M RSA key.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_rsa_enc
Help menu: trustm_rsa_enc <option> ...<option>
-k <OID Key> : Select key for encrypt OID 0xNNNN
-p <pubkey> : Use Pubkey file
-o <filename> : Output to file
-i <filename> : Input Data file
-X : Bypass Shielded Communication
-h : Print this help
Example : Encrypt using external pubkey
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_rsa_enc -p test_e0fc_pub.pem -o test_e0fc.enc -i helloworld.txt
Pubkey file : test_e0fc_pub.pem
Output File Name : test_e0fc.enc
Input File Name : helloworld.txt
Input data :
68 65 6C 6C 6F 77 6F 72 6C 64 21 21 21 0A
Example : Encrypt using Certificate store in OID 0xE0E2
Note : This example assume you have a valid x.509 certificate with key usage for Key Encipherment store in OID 0xE0E2.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_rsa_enc -k 0xe0e2 -o test_e0fc1.enc -i helloworld.txt
OID Key : 0xE0E2
Output File Name : test_e0fc1.enc
Input File Name : helloworld.txt
Input data :
68 65 6C 6C 6F 77 6F 72 6C 64 21 21 21 0A
Generate OPTIGA™ Trust M RSA key pair. Key type can be or together to form multiple type.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_rsa_keygen
Help menu: trustm_rsa_keygen <option> ...<option>
-g <Key OID> : Generate RSA Key in OID [0xE0FC-0xE0FD]
-t <key type> : Key type Auth:0x01 Enc :0x02 HFWU:0x04
DevM:0X08 Sign:0x10 Agmt:0x20
[default Auth]
-k <key size> : Key size RSA1024:0x41 RSA2048:0x42 [default RSA1024]
-o <filename> : Output Pubkey to file in PEM format
-s : Save Pubkey with header in <Key OID + 0x10E4>
-X : Bypass Shielded Communication
-h : Print this help
Example : generate an RSA1024 key with type Auth/Enc/Sign in OID 0xe0fc and save pubkey in OID 0xF1E0.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_rsa_keygen -g 0xe0fc -t 0x13 -k 0x41 -o test_e0fc_pub.pem -s
Generating Key to 0xE0FC
Output File Name : test_e0fc_pub.pem
Pubkey :
30 81 9f 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01
05 00 03 81 8d 00 30 81 89 02 81 81 00 9c 2d 6b
19 9c 8e d9 6c 59 0b bc 53 4a 1f 51 0c 87 14 71
09 21 55 d6 0c 1c 36 71 42 d9 dd db a2 f5 d8 de
df 80 d2 0f aa ae 31 6e 08 04 60 2d 32 ac 3c b7
e1 d0 d9 47 16 77 d7 ed d9 d3 e8 41 ed 6a e7 88
10 a6 2e 51 d2 cb d2 7d 9a 3b c8 09 c9 05 27 0d
85 39 c2 b6 4f 76 08 59 6e e7 51 07 9e 76 60 96
8d 63 ce 19 fc d0 a2 7c 28 c2 35 30 72 96 7d 3f
3c 48 95 bc 0a a5 5a 37 c6 64 e3 8e 31 02 03 01
00 01
Write Success to OID: 0xF1E0.
foo@bar:~$ cat test_e0fc_pub.pem
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_data -r 0xf1e0
App DataStrucObj type 2 [0xF1E0] [Size 1500] :
03 81 8d 00 30 81 89 02 81 81 00 9c 2d 6b 19 9c
8e d9 6c 59 0b bc 53 4a 1f 51 0c 87 14 71 09 21
55 d6 0c 1c 36 71 42 d9 dd db a2 f5 d8 de df 80
d2 0f aa ae 31 6e 08 04 60 2d 32 ac 3c b7 e1 d0
d9 47 16 77 d7 ed d9 d3 e8 41 ed 6a e7 88 10 a6
2e 51 d2 cb d2 7d 9a 3b c8 09 c9 05 27 0d 85 39
c2 b6 4f 76 08 59 6e e7 51 07 9e 76 60 96 8d 63
ce 19 fc d0 a2 7c 28 c2 35 30 72 96 7d 3f 3c 48
95 bc 0a a5 5a 37 c6 64 e3 8e 31 02 03 01 00 01
47 1b 75 53 fd 53 88 72 5e 0b 83 04 29 4e 44 03
51 7a 50 ea f6 a7 a9 82 04 6e cb 1a fa 57 7e 17
b6 39 d8 76 e7 fe 76 84 59 bc e6 91 a3 f7 fc 75
e2 e3 f7 ec 2a d6 3e 36 c6 f0 7f fb a8 50 d5 a7
fc 7e c2 28 2e bf ea e2 8d c9 c9 6e 76 69 a3 a2
ec 2f 01 40 8f 65 ba 16 19 81 00 8f 74 17 31 da
0e 2f f4 19 a9 f3 00 15 8a 28 5e af 99 4e ab 96
7f c8 7f fd f6 ea 17 30 7f 71 8e 1f 27 a1 02 03
01 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
(trucated for better view)
Simple demo to show the process to sign using OPTIGA™ Trust M RSA key.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_rsa_sign
Help menu: trustm_rsa_sign <option> ...<option>
-k <OID Key> : Select RSA key for signing OID (0xE0FC-0xE0FD)
-o <filename> : Output to file
-i <filename> : Input Data file
-H : Hash before sign
-X : Bypass Shielded Communication
-h : Print this help
Example : Hash and sign the file helloworld.txt with key OID 0xE0FC and output to testsignature.bin
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_rsa_sign -k 0xe0fc -o testsignature.bin -i helloworld.txt -H
OID Key : 0xE0FC
Output File Name : testsignature.bin
Input File Name : helloworld.txt
Hash Success : SHA256
E0 EE B7 C6 63 CC 5F 6F 45 26 13 E2 D7 AE FF 45
2A 26 95 A0 2F B4 AF 30 33 CC 5B C0 62 01 DE 70
filesize: 14
foo@bar:~$ hd testsignature.bin
00000000 0f 20 5a d3 0f 8c ec 41 24 74 d9 e3 20 bf ba 75 |. Z....A$t.. ..u|
00000010 56 df a4 5b be 25 0e 0e e5 32 1a f5 bf 24 45 e0 |V..[.%...2...$E.|
00000020 1d 4c f5 b7 99 0c 17 c2 49 88 52 e1 b8 b4 9e 7d |.L......I.R....}|
00000030 da 48 6d 98 53 45 e0 12 e8 48 59 dc 80 35 cd 2f |.Hm.SE...HY..5./|
00000040 e0 01 c1 e2 1e 1d 00 05 9a 32 3b 56 d7 90 72 a9 |.........2;V..r.|
00000050 30 06 72 c9 f4 19 62 eb 20 76 9f c8 12 cb 23 ff |0.r...b. v....#.|
00000060 bf b1 56 80 89 ea fe 7b 52 5d f0 26 98 10 3e 82 |..V....{R].&..>.|
00000070 bf 8d a7 9b 5e 2b e9 ec 89 6f 46 f2 ee fa 03 83 |....^+...oF.....|
Simple demo to show the process to verify using OPTIGA™ Trust M library.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_rsa_verify
Help menu: trustm_rsa_verify <option> ...<option>
-k <OID Key> : Use Certificate from Data OID
-p <pubkey> : Use Pubkey file
-i <filename> : Input Data file
-s <signature> : Signature file
-H : Hash input before verify
-X : Bypass Shielded Communication
-h : Print this help
Example : verifying a signature using external public key.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_rsa_verify -i helloworld.txt -s testsignature.bin -p test_e0fc_pub.pem -H
Pubkey file : test_e0fc_pub.pem
Input File Name : helloworld.txt
Signature File Name : testsignature.bin
Hash Digest :
E0 EE B7 C6 63 CC 5F 6F 45 26 13 E2 D7 AE FF 45
2A 26 95 A0 2F B4 AF 30 33 CC 5B C0 62 01 DE 70
Signature :
0F 20 5A D3 0F 8C EC 41 24 74 D9 E3 20 BF BA 75
56 DF A4 5B BE 25 0E 0E E5 32 1A F5 BF 24 45 E0
1D 4C F5 B7 99 0C 17 C2 49 88 52 E1 B8 B4 9E 7D
DA 48 6D 98 53 45 E0 12 E8 48 59 DC 80 35 CD 2F
E0 01 C1 E2 1E 1D 00 05 9A 32 3B 56 D7 90 72 A9
30 06 72 C9 F4 19 62 EB 20 76 9F C8 12 CB 23 FF
BF B1 56 80 89 EA FE 7B 52 5D F0 26 98 10 3E 82
BF 8D A7 9B 5E 2B E9 EC 89 6F 46 F2 EE FA 03 83
Pub key : [1024]
03 81 8D 00 30 81 89 02 81 81 00 9C 2D 6B 19 9C
8E D9 6C 59 0B BC 53 4A 1F 51 0C 87 14 71 09 21
55 D6 0C 1C 36 71 42 D9 DD DB A2 F5 D8 DE DF 80
D2 0F AA AE 31 6E 08 04 60 2D 32 AC 3C B7 E1 D0
D9 47 16 77 D7 ED D9 D3 E8 41 ED 6A E7 88 10 A6
2E 51 D2 CB D2 7D 9A 3B C8 09 C9 05 27 0D 85 39
C2 B6 4F 76 08 59 6E E7 51 07 9E 76 60 96 8D 63
CE 19 FC D0 A2 7C 28 C2 35 30 72 96 7D 3F 3C 48
95 BC 0A A5 5A 37 C6 64 E3 8E 31 02 03 01 00 01
Verify Success.
Example : verifying using certificate store in OID 0xE0E2.
Note : This example assume you have a valid x.509 certificate with key usage for signature store in OID 0xE0E2 and data is signed by the private key of the x.509 certificate.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_rsa_verify -i helloworld.txt -s testsignature.bin -k 0xe0e2 -H
OID Cert : 0xE0E2
Input File Name : helloworld.txt
Signature File Name : testsignature.bin
Hash Digest :
E0 EE B7 C6 63 CC 5F 6F 45 26 13 E2 D7 AE FF 45
2A 26 95 A0 2F B4 AF 30 33 CC 5B C0 62 01 DE 70
Signature :
0F 20 5A D3 0F 8C EC 41 24 74 D9 E3 20 BF BA 75
56 DF A4 5B BE 25 0E 0E E5 32 1A F5 BF 24 45 E0
1D 4C F5 B7 99 0C 17 C2 49 88 52 E1 B8 B4 9E 7D
DA 48 6D 98 53 45 E0 12 E8 48 59 DC 80 35 CD 2F
E0 01 C1 E2 1E 1D 00 05 9A 32 3B 56 D7 90 72 A9
30 06 72 C9 F4 19 62 EB 20 76 9F C8 12 CB 23 FF
BF B1 56 80 89 EA FE 7B 52 5D F0 26 98 10 3E 82
BF 8D A7 9B 5E 2B E9 EC 89 6F 46 F2 EE FA 03 83
Verify Success.
Simple demo to show the process to generate symmetric key using OPTIGA™ Trust M library.
Note: The Access Condition CHA for OID 0xe200 must be set to "ALW"(Only executable when LcsO<op). Fore details, please refer to the test script AES_CBC.sh inside "linux-optiga-trust-m/scripts/misc/"
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_symmetric_keygen
Help menu: trustm_symmetric_keygen <option> ...<option>
-t <key type> : Key type Auth:0x01 Enc :0x02 HFWU:0x04
DevM:0X08 Sign:0x10 Agmt:0x20
[default Enc]
-k <key size> : Key size AES128:0x81 AES192:0x82 AES256:0x83
[default AES128]
-X : Bypass Shielded Communication
-h : Print this help
Example : generate an AES256 key with type Enc in OID 0xe200.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_symmetric_keygen -t 0x02 -k 0x83
Successfully Generated Symmetric Key in 0xE200
Simple demo to show the process to encrypt using OPTIGA™ Trust M library.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_symmetric_enc
Help menu: trustm_symmetric_enc <option> ...<option>
-m <mode> : Mode CBC:0x09 CBC_MAC:0X0A CMAC:0X0B
[default CBC]
-o <filename> : Output to file
-i <filename> : Input Data file
-v <filename> : Input IV Value
Only needed for CBC mode
-X : Bypass Shielded Communication
-h : Print this help
Example : Encrypt mydata.txt using AES256 CBC mode.
Note: Initialized value is only applicable for AES CBC mode.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_symmetric_enc -m 0x09 -v iv_aes256.bin -i mydata.txt -o aes256.enc
mode : 0x0009
Output File Name : aes256.enc
Input File Name : mydata.txt
Input data :
6D 79 64 61 74 61 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 0A
IV File Name : iv_aes256.bin
Initialized value :
69 6E 69 74 69 61 6C 69 7A 65 64 76 32 35 36 0A
Simple demo to show the process to decrypt using OPTIGA™ Trust M library.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_symmetric_dec -h
Help menu: trustm_symmetric_dec <option> ...<option>
-m <mode> : Mode CBC:0x09
[only support CBC mode]
-o <filename> : Output to file
-i <filename> : Input Data file
-v <filename> : Input IV Value
-X : Bypass Shielded Communication
-h : Print this help
Example : decrypt aes256.enc using AES256 CBC mode.
Note: Initialized value is only applicable for AES CBC mode.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_symmetric_dec -m 0x09 -v iv_aes256.bin -i aes256.enc -o mydata.txt.dec
mode : 0x0009
Output File Name : mydata.txt.dec
Input File Name : aes256.enc
Input data :
E5 4E C6 9E 33 51 0F 3D 81 8C 0D 58 34 04 49 D6
IV File Name : iv_aes256.bin
Initialized value :
69 6E 69 74 69 61 6C 69 7A 65 64 76 32 35 36 0A
Simple demo to show the process to derive key using OPTIGA™ Trust M library.
Note: For detailed use case, please refer to the test script hkdf.sh inside "linux-optiga-trust-m/scripts/misc/"
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_hkdf
Help menu: trustm_hkdf <option> ...<option>
-i <OID> : Input secret OID 0xNNNN
[default 0xF1D0]
-H <SHA> : SHA256:0x08 SHA384 :0x09 SHA512:0x0A
[default SHA256]
-f <filename> : Import Info
-s <filename> : Import Salt
-o <filename> : Export Derived Key
-X : Bypass Shielded Communication
-h : Print this help
Example : derive key using HKDF SHA256 with shared secret in 0xF1D0.
Precondition: Write shared secret into the data object and change the metadata of this data object to PRESSEC.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_hkdf -i 0xF1D0 -H 0X08 -f info.bin -s salt.bin -o hkdf_f1d0_256.txt
Run HKDF SHA256 command to derive the key
Input Secret OID: 0xF1D0
HKDF Type 0x0008
Output Derived key.
HKDF Type : 0x0008
Info File Name : info.bin
Salt File Name : salt.bin
Output File Name : hkdf_f1d0_256.txt
salt data :
73 61 6C 74 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 61 62 31
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 0A
Info data :
69 6E 66 6F 76 61 6C 75 65 31 32 33 0A
Decryption Key :
D6 8B 57 18 C3 E8 F7 82 5F 1C A5 19 A7 59 26 8B
Simple demo to show the process to generate the MAC for the given input data using the secret installed in OPTIGA™ Trust M.
Note: For detailed use case, please refer to the test script hmac.sh inside "linux-optiga-trust-m/scripts/misc/"
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_hmac
Help menu: trustm_hmac <option> ...<option>
-I <OID> : Input secret OID 0xNNNN
[default 0xF1D0]
-H <SHA> : hmac_SHA256:0x20 hmac_SHA384 :0x21 hmac_SHA512:0x22
[default hmac_SHA256]
-o <filename> : Output MAC Data
-i <filename> : Input Data file
-X : Bypass Shielded Communication
-h : Print this help
Example : generate MAC value using HMAC SHA256 with shared secret in 0xF1D0.
Precondition: Write shared secret into the data object and change the metadata of this data object to PRESSEC.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_hmac -I 0xF1D0 -H 0X20 -i hmac.txt -o hmac_data.txt
Input Secret OID: 0xF1D0
SHA Type 0x0020
output the MAC data.
HMAC Type : 0x0020
Output File Name : hmac_data.txt
Input File Name : hmac.txt
Input data :
68 6D 61 63 74 65 73 74 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
MAC data :
1A 36 BA 85 4F B1 CC A5 4C 83 98 CD 5B CB EB 67
7D D5 07 B6 BD 9A E0 73 15 0D F6 63 6B 57 E1 6F
Simple demo to show the process to do hmac verification with authorization reference(the secret installed in OPTIGA™ Trust M).
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_hmac_verify_Auth -h
Help menu: trustm_hmac_verify_Auth <option> ...<option>
-I <OID> : Input secret OID 0xNNNN
[default 0xF1D0]
-s <filename> : Input user secret
-r <OID> : Read from target OID
-w <OID> : Write into target OID 0xNNNN
-o <filename> : Output Data stored inside target OID
-X : Bypass Shielded Communication
-h : Print this help
Precondition: Write shared secret into the data object and change the metadata of this data object to AUTHREF.
Note: For detailed use case, please refer to the sample test scripts inside "linux-optiga-trust-m/scripts/hmac_secure_storage/"
Run hmac_authenticated_storage_provisioning_step1.sh to do the provision for secret OID and Target OID.
Run hmac_authenticated_read_write_step2.sh to write in or readout the data in target OID after hmac verify successfully.
Simple demo to show the process to do protected update for metadata of target OID by using the trust Anchor installed in OPTIGA™ Trust M and/or the secret installed in OPTIGA™ Trust M .
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_protected_update -h
Help menu: trustm_protected_update <option> ...<option>
-k <OID> : Target OID
-f <filename> : Fragment file
-m <filename> : Manifest file
-X : Bypass Shielded Communication
-h : Print this help
For detailed example for Integrity and Confidentiality Protected Update, Go to the subsection at Integrity and Confidentiality Protected Update example
Note :
To generate the manifest and fragment for Integrity and Confidentiality Protected Update, please refer to the README.md for more instruction
Simple demo to show the process to do protected update for AES key of target OID(0xE200) by using the trust Anchor installed in OPTIGA™ Trust M and/or the secret installed in OPTIGA™ Trust M .
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_protected_update_aeskey -h
Help menu: trustm_protected_update_aeskey <option> ...<option>
-k <OID> : Target key OID: 0xE200
-f <filename> : Fragment file
-m <filename> : Manifest file
-X : Bypass Shielded Communication
-h : Print this help
For detailed example for Integrity and Confidentiality Protected Update for AES Key, Go to the subsection at Integrity and Confidentiality Protected Update example for AES Key
Note :
To generate the manifest and fragment for Integrity and Confidentiality Protected Update, please refer to the README.md for more instruction
Simple demo to show the process to do protected update for ECC key of target OID(0xE0F1-E0F3) by using the trust Anchor installed in OPTIGA™ Trust M and/or the secret installed in OPTIGA™ Trust M .
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_protected_update_ecckey -h
Help menu: trustm_protected_update_ecckey <option> ...<option>
-k <OID> : Target ECC Key OID[0xE0F1-0xE0F3]
-f <filename> : Fragment file
-m <filename> : Manifest file
-X : Bypass Shielded Communication
-h : Print this help
For detailed example for Integrity and Confidentiality Protected Update for ECC Key, Go to the subsection at Integrity and Confidentiality Protected Update example for ECC Key
Note :
To generate the manifest and fragment for Integrity and Confidentiality Protected Update, please refer to the README.md for more instruction
Simple demo to show the process to do protected update for RSA key of target OID(0xE0FC-E0FD) by using the trust Anchor installed in OPTIGA™ Trust M and/or the secret installed in OPTIGA™ Trust M .
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_protected_update_rsakey -h
Help menu: trustm_protected_update_rsakey <option> ...<option>
-k <OID> : Target RSA Key OID[0xE0FC-0xE0FD]
-f <filename> : Fragment file
-m <filename> : Manifest file
-X : Bypass Shielded Communication
-h : Print this help
For detailed example for Integrity and Confidentiality Protected Update for RSA Key, Go to the subsection at Integrity and Confidentiality Protected Update example for RSA Key
Note :
To generate the manifest and fragment for Integrity and Confidentiality Protected Update, please refer to the README.md for more instruction
Simple demo to show the process to do protected update for data of target OID(0xE0E1-E0E3,0xF1D0-F1DB) by using the trust Anchor installed in OPTIGA™ Trust M and/or the secret installed in OPTIGA™ Trust M .
./bin/trustm_protected_update_data -h
Help menu: trustm_protected_update_data <option> ...<option>
-k <OID> : Target OID
-c <filename> : Continue 1 Fragment file
-d <filename> : Continue 2 Fragment file
-f <filename> : Final Fragment file
-m <filename> : Manifest file
-X : Bypass Shielded Communication
-h : Print this help
For detailed example for Integrity and Confidentiality Protected Update for data, Go to the subsection at Integrity and Confidentiality Protected Update example for data
Note :
To generate the manifest and fragment for Integrity and Confidentiality Protected Update, please refer to the README.md for more instruction
The Engine is tested base on OpenSSL version 1.1.1d
Note : The OPTIGA™ Trust M Engine shielded communication depends on the default reset protection level for OPTIGA CRYPT and UTIL APIs. If the setting is set to OPTIGA_COMMS_NO_PROTECTION than the engine will not have shielded communication protection.
Usuage : Random number generation Example
foo@bar:~$ openssl rand -engine trustm_engine -base64 1024
Note : If OPTIGA™ Trust M random number generation fails, there will still be random number output. This is control by OpenSSL engine do not have control over it.
Usuage : Certificate request / self signed cert / key generation
OPTIGA™ Trust M engine uses the -key parameter to pass input to the key generation/usage function.
Following is the input format:
-key OID : public key input : NEW :key size : key usage
where :
OID for OPTIGA™ Trust M key
- if OID 0xE0F0 is used no other input is needed
public key input
- public key file name in PEM format
- * = no public input
- ^ = public key store in Application OID Key
0xE0F1 store in 0xF1D1,
0xE0F2 store in 0xF1D2,
0xE0F3 store in 0xF1D3,
0xE0FC store in 0xF1E0,
0xE0FD store in 0xF1E1
Note: For ECC521/BRAINPOOL512, the public key store in Application OID list as below:
0xE0F1 store in 0xF1E0,
0xE0F2 store in 0xF1E1
- Generate new key pair in OPTIGA™ Trust M
key size
- 0x03 = 256 key length for NIST 256
- 0x04 = 384 key length for NIST 384
- 0x05 = 521 key length for NIST 521
- 0x13 = 256 key length for brainpoolP256r1
- 0x15 = 384 key length for brainpoolP384r1
- 0x16 = 512 key length for brainpoolP512r1
- 0x41 = 1024 key length
- 0x42 = 2048 key length
Key usage
- Auth : 0x01
- Enc : 0x02
- HFWU : 0x04
- DevM : 0X08
- Sign : 0x10
- Agmt : 0x20
Note: If wrong public is submitted the certificate generation will still go through but verification will fail.
Example : Generating a certificate request using OID 0xE0F3 with new key generated, ECC 384 key length and Auth/Enc/Sign usage. Verify that public key match the private key in the OID.
foo@bar:~$ openssl req -keyform engine -engine trustm_engine -key 0xe0f3:*:NEW:0x04:0x13 -new -out test_e0f3.csr -verify
Note: If wrong public is used or no pubkey is submitted the certificate generation will still go through but verification will fail. Pubic key input only in PEM
Usuage : Key tools / Key generation
OPTIGA™ Trust M engine uses the -in parameter to pass input to the key generation/usage function.
Following is the input format:
-in OID : public key input : NEW :key size : key usage
(see req for input details)
foo@bar:~$ openssl pkey -engine trustm_engine -pubout -inform engine -in 0xe0f1:*:NEW -out testpube0f1.pem
Usage : Sign and verify Example:
foo@bar:~$ openssl dgst -sign 0xe0f1 -engine trustm_engine -keyform engine -out helloworld.sig helloworld.txt
foo@bar:~$ openssl dgst -sha256 -verify testpube0f1.pem -signature helloworld.sig helloworld.txt
Note : To generate a test server certificate refer to Generating a Test Server Certificate
Creates new ECC 256 key length and Auth/Enc/Sign usage and generate a certificate request for OPTIGA™ Trust M key 0xE0F1
foo@bar:~$ openssl req -keyform engine -engine trustm_engine \
-key 0xe0f1:^:NEW:0x03:0x13 \
-new \
-out test_e0f1.csr
Issue the certificate with keyUsage=digitalSignature,keyEncipherment on the client side with OPTIGA_Trust_M_Infineon_Test_CA.
Note : Refer to Generating a Test Server Certificate for openssl.cnf
foo@bar:~$ openssl x509 -req -in test_e0f1.csr \
-CA scripts/certificates/OPTIGA_Trust_M_Infineon_Test_CA.pem \
-CAkey scripts/certificates/OPTIGA_Trust_M_Infineon_Test_CA_Key.pem \
-CAcreateserial \
-out test_e0f1.crt \
-days 365 \
-sha256 \
-extfile openssl.cnf \
-extensions cert_ext1
Running the test server :
foo@bar:~$ openssl s_server \
-cert test_opensslserver.crt \
-key privkey.pem -accept 5000 \
-verify_return_error \
-Verify 1 \
-CAfile scripts/certificates/OPTIGA_Trust_M_Infineon_Test_CA.pem
Running the test client : (open a new console)
foo@bar:~$ openssl s_client \
-connect \
-client_sigalgs ECDSA+SHA256 \
-keyform engine \
-engine trustm_engine \
-cert test_e0f1.crt -key 0xe0f1:^ \
-tls1_2 \
-CAfile scripts/certificates/OPTIGA_Trust_M_Infineon_Test_CA.pem \
-verify 1
Creates new ECC 256 key length and Auth/Enc/Sign usage and generate a certificate request for OPTIGA™ Trust M key 0xE0F2
foo@bar:~$ openssl req -keyform engine -engine trustm_engine \
-key 0xe0f2:^:NEW:0x03:0x13 \
-new \
-out test_e0f2.csr
Issue the certificate with keyUsage=keyCertSign, cRLSign, digitalSignature on the server side with OPTIGA_Trust_M_Infineon_Test_CA.
foo@bar:~$ openssl x509 -req -in test_e0f2.csr \
-CA scripts/certificates/OPTIGA_Trust_M_Infineon_Test_CA.pem \
-CAkey scripts/certificates/OPTIGA_Trust_M_Infineon_Test_CA_Key.pem \
-CAcreateserial \
-out test_e0f2.crt \
-days 365 \
-sha256 \
-extfile openssl.cnf \
-extensions cert_ext2
Running the test server :
foo@bar:~$ openssl s_server -keyform engine -engine trustm_engine \
-cert test_e0f2.crt \
-key 0xe0f2:^ \
-accept 5000 \
-verify_return_error \
-CAfile scripts/certificates/OPTIGA_Trust_M_Infineon_Test_CA.pem \
-sigalgs ECDSA+SHA256
Running the test client : (open a new console)
foo@bar:~$ openssl s_client \
-CAfile scripts/certificates/OPTIGA_Trust_M_Infineon_Test_CA.pem \
-connect -tls1_2
Note : To generate a test server certificate refer to Generating a Test Server Certificate
Creates new RSA 2048 key length and Auth/Enc/Sign usage and generate a certificate request for OPTIGA™ Trust M key 0xE0FC
foo@bar:~$ openssl req -keyform engine -engine trustm_engine \
-key 0xe0fc:^:NEW:0x42:0x13 \
-new \
-out test_e0fc.csr
Issue the certificate with keyUsage=digitalSignature,keyEncipherment on the client side with OPTIGA_Trust_M_Infineon_Test_CA.
Note : Refer to Generating a Test Server Certificate for openssl.cnf
foo@bar:~$ openssl x509 -req -in test_e0fc.csr \
-CA scripts/certificates/OPTIGA_Trust_M_Infineon_Test_CA.pem \
-CAkey scripts/certificates/OPTIGA_Trust_M_Infineon_Test_CA_Key.pem \
-CAcreateserial \
-out test_e0fc.crt \
-days 365 \
-sha256 \
-extfile openssl.cnf \
-extensions cert_ext1
Running the test server :
foo@bar:~$ openssl s_server \
-cert test_opensslserver.crt \
-key privkey.pem -accept 5000 \
-verify_return_error \
-Verify 1 \
-CAfile scripts/certificates/OPTIGA_Trust_M_Infineon_Test_CA.pem
Running the test client : (open a new console)
foo@bar:~$ openssl s_client -connect \
-client_sigalgs RSA+SHA256 \
-keyform engine \
-engine trustm_engine \
-cert test_e0fc.crt \
-key 0xe0fc:^ \
-tls1_2 \
-CAfile scripts/certificates/OPTIGA_Trust_M_Infineon_Test_CA.pem \
-verify 1
Creates new RSA 2048 key length and Auth/Enc/Sign usage and generate a certificate request for OPTIGA™ Trust M key 0xE0FD
foo@bar:~$ openssl req -keyform engine -engine trustm_engine \
-key 0xe0fd:^:NEW:0x42:0x13 \
-new \
-out test_e0fd.csr
Issue the certificate with keyUsage=keyCertSign, cRLSign, digitalSignature on the server side with OPTIGA_Trust_M_Infineon_Test_CA.
foo@bar:~$ openssl x509 -req -in test_e0fd.csr \
-CA scripts/certificates/OPTIGA_Trust_M_Infineon_Test_CA.pem \
-CAkey scripts/certificates/OPTIGA_Trust_M_Infineon_Test_CA_Key.pem \
-CAcreateserial \
-out test_e0fd.crt \
-days 365 \
-sha256 \
-extfile openssl.cnf \
-extensions cert_ext2
Running the test server :
foo@bar:~$ openssl s_server -keyform engine -engine trustm_engine \
-cert test_e0fd.crt \
-key 0xe0fd:^ \
-accept 5000 \
-verify_return_error \
-CAfile scripts/certificates/OPTIGA_Trust_M_Infineon_Test_CA.pem \
-sigalgs RSA+SHA256
Running the test client : (open a new console)
foo@bar:~$ openssl s_client \
-CAfile scripts/certificates/OPTIGA_Trust_M_Infineon_Test_CA.pem \
-connect -tls1_2
Generate a new key pair and certificate request. Private key is output to private.pem
foo@bar:~$ openssl req -new -out test_opensslserver.csr
Creates the openssl.cnf with the below contain:
foo@bar:~$ cat openssl.cnf
[ cert_ext ]
[ cert_ext1 ]
[ cert_ext2 ]
keyUsage=keyCertSign, cRLSign, digitalSignature
Issue the certificate with keyUsage=keyCertSign, cRLSign, digitalSignature on the server side with OPTIGA_Trust_M_Infineon_Test_CA.
foo@bar:~$ openssl x509 -req -in test_opensslserver.csr \
-CA scripts/certificates/OPTIGA_Trust_M_Infineon_Test_CA.pem \
-CAkey scripts/certificates/OPTIGA_Trust_M_Infineon_Test_CA_Key.pem \
-CAcreateserial \
-out test_opensslserver.crt \
-days 365 \
-sha256 \
-extfile openssl.cnf \
-extensions cert_ext2
In this section, we will demonstrate how you can use OPTIGA™ Trust M OpenSSL engine to enable OPTIGA™ Trust M as a simple Certificate Authorities (CA) without revocation and tracking of certificate it issue.
Create OPTIGA™ Trust M CA key pair with the following parameters:
- OID 0xE0F2
- public key store in 0xE1D2
- Self signed CA cert with subject :
- Organization : Infineon OPTIGA(TM) Trust M
- Common Name : UID of Trust M
- expiry days : ~10 years
foo@bar:~$ openssl req -keyform engine -engine trustm_engine \
-key 0xe0f2:^:NEW:0x03:0x13 \
-new \
-x509 \
-days 3650 \
-subj /O="Infineon OPTIGA(TM) Trust M"\
/CN="CD16336B01001C000100000A085255000A005C0046801010711118" \
-out test_e0f2.crt
You may use the example given in req to generate a CSR or used any valid CSR
Following demonstrate how you can issue and sign certificate with OPTIGA™ Trust M with the following inputs:
- input csr file : test_e0f3.csr
- CA Cert : test_e0f2.crt
- CA key : 0xE0F2 with public key store in 0xE1D2
- Create new serial number for certificate (serial number is store in test_e0f3.srl)
- using extension cert_ext in extension file
- expiry days : 1 year
Note : Refer to Generating a Test Server Certificate for openssl.cnf
foo@bar:~$ openssl x509 -CAkeyform engine -engine trustm_engine \
-req \
-in test_e0f3.csr \
-CA test_e0f2.crt \
-CAkey 0xe0f2:^ \
-CAcreateserial \
-out test_e0f3.crt \
-days 365 \
-sha256 \
-extfile openssl.cnf \
-extensions cert_ext
In this section, we will describe and demo how the OPTIGA™ Trust M OpenSSL engine could be coded in 'C' to perform TLS/DTLS communication.
Note : The code only shows example on using OPTIGA™ Trust M for authentication and the secure communication is done via OpenSSL.
For easy setup, the demo uses the following input for :
- Server (system with OPTIGA™ Trust M and listening to connection)
- server certificate : cert store in oid 0xE0E0
- OPTIGA™ Trust M key : 0xE0F0
- CA certificate : Infineon OPTIGA(TM) Trust M CA 300 Root CA 2.pem
- include with Infineon OPTIGA(TM) ECC Root CA 2 certificate
- include with Infineon OPTIGA(TM) Trust M CA 300.pem
- Port : 5000
- SSL Protocol : TLS1.3
- Client (system that send HELLO request)
- CA certificate : Infineon OPTIGA(TM) Trust M CA 300 Root CA 2.pem
- include with Infineon OPTIGA(TM) ECC Root CA 2 certificate
- include with Infineon OPTIGA(TM) Trust M CA 300.pem
- CA certificate : Infineon OPTIGA(TM) Trust M CA 300 Root CA 2.pem
- IP :
- Port : 5000
- SSL Protocol : DTLS1.3
You may use the below example to get the cert.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustm_cert -r 0xe0e0 -o test_e0e0.crt
OID : 0xE0E0
Output File Name : test_e0e0.crt
Ensure Infineon OPTIGA(TM) Trust M CA 300 Root CA 2.pem is in the same directory as test_e0e0.crt.
The Infineon OPTIGA(TM) Trust M CA 300 Root CA 2.pem contain 2 certificate namely:
- Infineon OPTIGA(TM) Trust M CA 300
- Infineon OPTIGA(TM) ECC Root CA 2
Below is a quick tips for verifying the Server cert matches the CA cert with OpenSSL
foo@bar:~$ openssl verify -CAfile 'Infineon OPTIGA(TM) Trust M CA 300 Root CA 2.pem' -show_chain test_e0e0.crt
test_e0e0.crt: OK
depth=0: CN = InfineonIoTNode (untrusted)
depth=1: C = DE, O = Infineon Technologies AG, OU = OPTIGA(TM), CN = Infineon OPTIGA(TM) Trust M CA 300
depth=2: C = DE, O = Infineon Technologies AG, OU = OPTIGA(TM) Devices, CN = Infineon OPTIGA(TM) ECC Root CA 2
// Macro for Keys/Certificates
#define SERVER_CERT "test_e0e0.crt"
#define SERVER_KEY "0xe0f0"
#define CA_CERT "Infineon OPTIGA(TM) Trust M CA 300 Root CA 2.pem"
// Macro for Engine
#define ENGINE_NAME "trustm_engine"
// Default IP/PORT
#define DEFAULT_IP ""
#define DEFAULT_PORT 5000
#define SECURE_COMM TLS_server_method()
//#define SECURE_COMM DTLS_server_method()
In the simpleTest_Server.c code ~ line number 54-66. List the macro for changing following input:
- SERVER_CERT <filename for server certificate in PEM format>
- SERVER_KEY <OID of OPTIGA™ Trust M key used. Refer to req for the key input format>
- CA_CERT <CA Certificate filename. if CA cert is chain ensure all cert is in the chain>
- ENGINE_NAME <OPTIGA™ Trust M engine name>
- DEFAULT_IP <IP address, not important for server>
- DEFAULT_PORT <Port to use for connection>
- SECURE_COMM <SSL Protocol to be used TLS/DTLS>
Ensure Infineon OPTIGA(TM) Trust M CA 300 Root CA 2.pem is in the current directory.
// Macro for Keys/Certificates
#define CA_CERT "Infineon OPTIGA(TM) Trust M CA 300 Root CA 2.pem"
// Macro for Engine
#define ENGINE_NAME "trustm_engine"
// Default IP/PORT
#define DEFAULT_IP ""
#define DEFAULT_PORT 5000
#define SECURE_COMM TLS_client_method()
//#define SECURE_COMM DTLS_client_method()
In the simpleTest_Client.c code ~ line number 53-63. List the macro for changing following input:
- CA_CERT <CA Certificate filename. if CA cert is chain ensure all cert is in the chain>
- ENGINE_NAME <OPTIGA™ Trust M engine name>
- DEFAULT_IP <IP address, not important for server>
- DEFAULT_PORT <Port to use for connection>
- SECURE_COMM <SSL Protocol to be used TLS/DTLS>
As the default IP is set to a loopback IP both the server and client need to be run on the same system. To run the client and server on a different system please refer to simpleTest_Server Code Configuration and simpleTest_Client Code Configuration
To build the demo refer to First time building the library
Open a new terminal in the system and ensure test_e0e0.crt and Infineon OPTIGA(TM) Trust M CA 300 Root CA 2.pem is in the current folder.
In this example, test_e0e0.crt need to be copied into folder "scripts/SimpleServeClientTest/with_e0f0_key/" where Infineon OPTIGA(TM) Trust M CA 300 Root CA 2.pem is located. Run "update latest exe.sh" to copy simpleTest_Server and simpleTest_Client into this folder before running simpleTest_Server
Configure the path parameters in "config.sh" as follow:
Execute the "update latest exe.sh":
foo@bar:~/linux-optiga-trust-m/scripts/SimpleServeClientTest/with_e0f0_key $ ./update_latest_exe.sh
Copy simpleTest executable into current directory
Read out Certificate
OID : 0xE0E0
Output File Name : test_e0e0.crt
foo@bar:~/linux-optiga-trust-m/scripts/SimpleServeClientTest/with_e0f0_key $ ls -l
total 48
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pi pi 107 Sep 9 10:00 config.sh
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 2034 Sep 8 16:34 'Infineon OPTIGA(TM) Trust M CA 300 Root CA 2.pem'
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pi pi 13688 Sep 9 10:23 simpleTest_Client
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pi pi 14596 Sep 9 10:23 simpleTest_Server
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 741 Sep 9 10:23 test_e0e0.crt
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pi pi 201 Sep 9 10:22 update_latest_exe.sh
Example of simpleTest_Server running without client connection
foo@bar:~/linux-optiga-trust-m/scripts/SimpleServeClientTest/with_e0f0_key $ ./simpleTest_Server
89 main: *****************************************
141 serverListen: Listening to incoming connection
Open another new terminal in the system and ensure Infineon OPTIGA(TM) Trust M CA 300 Root CA 2.pem is in the current folder. Run simpleTest_Client
Example of simpleTest_Client running with connection to server
foo@bar:~/linux-optiga-trust-m/scripts/SimpleServeClientTest/with_e0f0_key $ ./simpleTest_Client
88 main: *****************************************
113 doClientConnect: s_ipaddr :
150 doClientConnect: Connecting to server ....
168 doClientConnect: Connected to, port :0x8813
190 doClientConnect: Performing Handshaking .....
199 doClientConnect: Connection using : TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
200 doClientConnect: : TLSv1.3
From Server [11072] : 001
From Server [11072] : 002
From Server [11072] : 003
From Server [11072] : 004
From Server [11072] : 005
Server terminal output
foo@bar:~/linux-optiga-trust-m/scripts/SimpleServeClientTest/with_e0f0_key $ ./simpleTest_Server
89 main: *****************************************
144 serverListen: Listening to incoming connection
157 serverListen: Connection from, port :0xe48f
144 serverListen: Listening to incoming connection
236 doServerConnected: Engine ID : trustm_engine
242 doServerConnected: Init TrustM Engine. Ok
248 doServerConnected: Set Default Engine Ok.
261 doServerConnected: Load Certificate ok
269 doServerConnected: Private Key Match the Server Certificate.
278 doServerConnected: Load CA cert ok
301 doServerConnected: Performing Handshking .........
306 doServerConnected: Connection using : TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
307 doServerConnected: : TLSv1.3
308 doServerConnected: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
328 doServerConnected: [12081] Received : 1
328 doServerConnected: [12081] Received : 2
328 doServerConnected: [12081] Received : 3
328 doServerConnected: [12081] Received : 4
328 doServerConnected: [12081] Received : 5
The above console screen show a successful server/client connection via TLS1.3. After the TLS handshake is completed the client will send count from 1 to 100 to the server. When server received the data from client it will is display the info received and send back the Process ID (PID) and data received to the client. The client when received the data from the service, it will display them on the screen.
To run multiple client connection, open another new terminal in the system and ensure Infineon OPTIGA(TM) Trust M CA 300.pem is in the current folder. Run simpleTest_Client.
Go to the subsection at Server and Client example with key (0xE0F1) with external public key and Certificate
In this section, we will describe and demo how the OPTIGA™ Trust M OpenSSL engine could be used in CURL to connect to a NGINX web server.
Note : Refer to curl_ngix script folder for scripts to run through the following steps
sudo apt-get install -y nginx curl
Go to the scripts/curl_nginx folder
cd scripts/curl_nginx
This will generate the server key "server1_privkey.pem" and certificate "server1.crt.pem"
openssl ecparam -out server1_privkey.pem -name prime256v1 -genkey
openssl req -new -x509 -key server1_privkey.pem -subj "/CN=Server/O=Infineon/C=SG" -out server1.crt.pem
This will generate client private key(ECC 256, Auth/Enc/Sing) in OPTIGA™ Trust M using using OID 0xe0f1 and certificate "client1.crt.pem"
(see req for input details)
openssl req -new -x509 -engine trustm_engine -keyform engine -key 0xe0f1:^:NEW:0x03:0x13 -subj "/CN=TrustM/O=Infineon/C=SG" -out client1.crt.pem
This will setup the NGINX server to use openssl, setting the server key and certificate to use in the default file setting(/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default). The nginx service will be restarted for the new settings to take effect.
Run the steps below:
sudo cp default /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
sudo cp server1.crt.pem /etc/nginx/server1.crt.pem
sudo cp server1_privkey.pem /etc/nginx/server1_privkey.pem
sudo service nginx restart
After running the steps above, the following changes will be made to "default" file:
listen 443 ssl default_server;
listen [::]:443 ssl default_server;
ssl_certificate server1.crt.pem;
ssl_certificate_key server1_privkey.pem;
This will connect the Client to the web server with engine key interface using OPTIGA™ Trust M.
curl --insecure --engine trustm_engine --key-type ENG --key 0xe0f1:^ --cert client1.crt.pem
Additional examples:
CURL and NGINX with CA and Imported_Keys
The I2C secure communication bypass option for CLI only works if the default reset protection level for OPTIGA CRYPT and UTIL APIs is set to OPTIGA_COMMS_NO_PROTECTION.
Check the hardware reset pin if it is connected with an active reset GPIO as assigned n the OPTIGA™ Trust M library. Alternatively, you could configure the library to use software reset.