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naomi1234 edited this page Feb 13, 2017 · 11 revisions

Iteration 4

Iteration Goals

complete the project! includes finishing and testing all functions, CSS design,access permissions, adding functions that we realized now that are needed, and handing in the project.


All group members worked together to accomplish all iteration tasks.

Issue Management

Our Issues


  • Inserting,pulling and changing data on the database .
  • trying all functions and making sure they work.

##Main Tasks panel

Meeting Summary

In this Ieration, the meetings mostly focused on bugs that were found during testings, and on ways to finish the project on time.

Team spirit

We started the project as couple of friends, each one wants to do their best in order to develope the best project as possible. It was a big advantage for us that we knew each other before because it helps us to deal with private issues and events more easily. As the project moved on, we understood more the importance of a team member that can give you his own point of view on many aspects. That helps to think about better solutions to the problems that occured during the project. We are finishing this project with the feeling that we accomplished our mission, we are more familiar with modern website application (client-server) than before, and we finished the project more united than before. Throughout the entire process, all the team members kept in mind to write the code according to our coding conventions which we specified in the beggining and did their best to contribute to the team efforts.

Development process

In general, the website's development process accomplished its goal. In each iteration we learned how to efficient and maximize our production in the iteration, by reasoning from the previouses iterations.In the begginig we focused more on technical things, and wasted time on little issues. As time went by, we learned how to be more efficient and how to have better cooperation between the team members. After all, we succeded to reach our goal in the project and we created the website with all the aspects we planned.

Wiki updates

User Manual

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