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shoamco edited this page Jan 14, 2017 · 9 revisions

#Software Design Specification

This document serves us as a documentation, and a guideline to the implementation of our product, and supply a snapshot of the intended system from multiple points of view.

Document Goals

  • Data Base - The Db is an important feature of our product, so we'll work on it after the server is up and running.
  • Web - Build a simple Web application to show a view of our product.
  • Pull Data from DB - Pull student information from DB to our product.
  • Push Data from Server - Push student updates/information to DB.
  • Preparation for the realization of our software
  • Realizing preparation clearly code
  • Focus on the developments we should think about in advance, before we start coding.
  • Help us to split the tasks of the implementation between team members.

In this document you will find several diagrams: Deployment diagram, CRC Cards, Class diagram and sequence diagrams.

Main Product Features & Capabilities

* Main ability Description Risks
1 Web application based on a private server using C-panel admin Unexperienced Web App Programmers Med
2 smart school Admin Login Enabling access to smart school admin to create company admins High
3 Company Admin Login Enabling access to admin company to create company users High
4 Company Users Login Enabling access to companies users High
5 DB Access When needed to push/pull Data Med
6 Security Access from outside to private information High
7 Connection to smart school Syncoronization with the client side Med
8 grade confirmation Enable to the main-teacher to confirm student grade High
9 block confirmed grades after confirming grade block the option of changing grade High

UML Diagrams

Deployment Diagrams

user logs in through browser or mobile-browser to server and server connected to data base Our DB & Login will be provided by "MySQL DB"

CRC - Class Diagrams

represent the object oriented view and classs asssociations of a system. ###Sequence Diagrams: head-teacher logs in to the application in to his home page select a class to conform a class grades, conforms the conformed class would have a mark that it was conformed, and then logs out of the systum

Non-functional Requirements

  • we will use google accounts (authorization) for scure login.
  • The Login system will also allow different Functionality for all kind of users.
  • Access admin account through the Smart-Scholl-reshit web site.
  • Verification will be by e-mail and password
  • The database should be quick
  • a simple interface that can be understood quickly
  • The system will work with MySQL database

Risk Management

* Risk Severity Probability Risk prevention Response
1 Dissatisfaction of the costumer 2 1 Working in collaboration with the costumer according to what he needs from the software. Modification until certain level
2 Invalid user details 1 1 Strict user authentication User will be forced to create a valid user account
3 Unstable Web Service 3 2 Testing our code frequently Constantly aware, always
4 integrating small parts problems 3 3 will set meetings of the team members to assess the progress of the project
5 Lack of time for complete missions 3 3 Split the work between the members