The data is related with direct marketing campaigns (phone calls) of a Portuguese banking institution. You can find the data here. Trying to classify it with different frameworks & platforms, and trying to compare the results.
In this repository I am focusing on how to use Amazon ML from your local machine. If you want to use the GUI, follow these 10 simple steps:
- Go to aws.
- Sign in to the Console
- Set region as either US East(Virginia) or EU (Ireland)
- Save dataset in a S3 Bucket or Amazon Redshift cluster.
- Click on services -> Machine Learning
- If you do not have any previously created ML model, click -> Get Started.
- Standard Setup -> Launch
- Enter bucket name and datasource name(optional).
- Create the Data Schema
- Enter target variable from your dataset.
- Review your datasource info.
When I used Amazon ML I go this result
More the number of False positive, more the loss incurred by the organization.