In this project, my group and I built a pipeline that takes raw COVID-19 news articles, processed these articles by removing stop words, generated a word occurrence matrix by counting the frequency of each word in each article, then generated a word co-occurrence matrix by calculating the Gram matrix of the occurrence matrix.
The pipeline used a combination of Hadoop MapReduce, Spark, OpenMP, and MPI.
Read more about our algorithm and results at our website,
First, clone this repository:
git clone
- workflow to preprocess text data
Input: raw news articles stored in HDFS
Output: NLP preprocessed and cleaned news articles
Code file name:
Execution command:
Mapreduce Streaming on AWS EMR - workflow to count words:
Input: NLP preprocessed and cleaned news articles
Output: (word, count) pairs
Code file name:
Execution command:
Mapreduce Streaming on AWS EMR - workflow to search for the most frequent N words:
Input: (word, count) pairs
Output: most frequent N words
Code file name:
Execution command:
Mapreduce Streaming on AWS EMR
Workflow to preprocess data, create top words dictionary, and generate word count matrix
Input: raw news articles stored in HDFS
Output: 1. A dictionary containing the most frequent word in the NLP preprocessed and cleaned news articles. 2. Word count matrix based on the clean news articles and the dictionary
Code file name:
Execution command:
$ spark-submit --num-executors X --executor-cores Y
(assuming a csv file named data.csv containing raw news article are already put onto HDFS)
MPI XTX (Gram) matrix:
$ mpicc gram_mpi.c -o gram_mpi -O3
$ mpirun -np [num processes] ./gram_mpi [input csv file] [rows of input] [cols of input]
$ mpirun -np 8 ./gram_mpi m.csv 41771 20
MPI Total Pipeline:
$ mpic++ mpi_pipeline.cpp -o mpi_pipeline -O3
$ mpic++ mpi_pipeline_hashmap.cpp -o mpi_pipeline -O3
$ mpirun -np [num processes] ./mpi_pipeline [input corpus] [dictionary size]
$ mpirun -np 8 ./mpi_pipeline corpus_big.txt 20
OpenMP Word Occurrence Matrix:
$ gcc -fopenmp -O3 create_X_omp.c -o create_X
$ ./create_X corpus_big.txt > x_mat.txt
OpenMP XTX (Gram) matrix
$ gcc -fopenmp -O3 XT_X_omp.c -o XT_X
$ ./XT_X x_mat.txt