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Shreevatsa edited this page Oct 5, 2017 · 1 revision

This is a nice book by Sampadananda Mishra published by the Sri Aurobindo Society. (with CD, without CD)

It lists a few of the popular metres (see Popular), and gives a few examples for each of them, mostly taken from popular stotra literature. In an appendix, it lists all the metres given by Gaṅgādāsa.


p. 12 lists all (??!) ardhasamavṛttas:

  1. Upacitram
  2. Vegavatī
  3. Hariṇaplutā
  4. Aparavaktram
  5. Vaitālīyam
  6. Puṣpitāgrā
  7. Sundarī
  8. Drutamadhyā
  9. Bhadravirāṭ
  10. Ketumatī
  11. Ākhyānakī
  12. Viparitapūrvā
  13. Parāmatī
  14. Kaumudī
  15. Mañjusaurabham
  16. Mākalbhāriṇī
p. 13(?) lists all (??!) viṣamavṛttas:
  1. Udgatā
  2. Saurabhakam
  3. Lalitam
  4. Vaktram
  5. Pathyāvaktram
p. 13 lists nine varieties of Āryā:
  1. Pathyā
  2. Vipulā
  3. Capalā
  4. Mukhacapalā
  5. Jaghanacapalā
  6. Gīti
  7. Upagīti
  8. Udgīti
  9. Āryāgīti
p. 14 lists metres of the jāti type, besides Āryā:
  • Vaitālīya
  • Aupacchandasika
  • Pajjhaṭikā
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