This is a bunch of Helper Functions that are required in almost all projects. These Helpers will save your time as they are made so that work of tens of code can now be done in just a single line.
Add this in your root project level build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Also add below in your app level build.gradle
implementation 'com.github.shreyanshumalviya:AndroidNativeHelpers:0.0.1'
To send a simple Notification use the below line.
NotificationHelper.sendNotification(this,"Title","App Launched Successfully");
You can also edit the previously sent Notifications.
- save the notificationID returned while sending the notification
val notificationId = NotificationHelper.sendNotification(this,"Title","App Launched Successfully");
- Pass the notificationID as shown
NotificationHelper.sendNotification(this,"Title","Notification sent",notificationId);