This project is part of Deep Reinforcement Learning Course offered by CCE IISc 2023.
Given an image as input, the model tries to approximately describe the image by generating captions
- Word Gate Model
- Self Critical Sequence Training with Proximal Policy Optimization (SCST-PPO)
- Adaptive Self Critical Sequence Training (Adaptive-SCST-PPO)
Gdrive link -
Youtube link -
- Extract Dense captions features(follow the code by
- ResNext features (We extract them by following the instructions under, the features we used are mean-pooled image features saved in resnext101_32x48d_wsl/ and spatial feature saved in resnext101_32x48d_wsl_spatial_att/.
Note: we do not change the network in dense caption or ResNext network, we just directly use the pretrained network to generate our features for stylish captioning task.
- Prepare labels
python scripts/
--input_json data/dataset_person.json
--output_json data/personcap_added1.json
--output_h5 data/personcap_added1
--perssOnehot_h5 data/person_onehot_added1
--densecap_h5 data/densecap_added1
--personality_path ParlAI/data/personality_captions/personalities.txt
We convert original personality caption dataset to dataset_person.json based on the format recommended in
personalities.txt could be downloaded through by
2. Prepare ngrams
python scripts/
--rm_punc 0
--input_json data/dataset_person.json
--dict_json data/personcap_added1.json
--split val
--output_pkl data/person-val
- Prepare reference for evaluation
python scripts/
--rm_punc 0
--input_json ParlAI/data/personality_captions/dataset_person.json
--dict_json data/personcap_added1.json
--output_json coco-caption/person_captions4eval_-1.json
--gdindex -1
python --id "densepembed2_added" \
--caption_model densepembed \
--decoder_type LSTM \
--mean_feats 1 \
--ctx_drop 1 \
--label_smoothing 0 \
--input_json data/personalised_captions/training_ids.json \
--metadata_json data/personalised_captions/i2w_personality_mapping.json \
--input_label_h5 data/personalised_cap_labels/training_labels.npy \
--input_label_start_idx data/personalised_cap_labels/training_start_ix.npy \
--input_label_end_idx data/personalised_cap_labels/training_end_ix.npy \
--input_fc_dir data/yfcc_images/resnext101_32x48d_wsl \
--input_att_dir data/yfcc_images/resnext101_32x48d_wsl_spatial_att \
--perss_onehot_h5 data/personalities_onehot/training.npy \
--densecap_dir data/dense_captions/training.npy \
--cached_tokens cider_words/person-train-idxs \
--start_from log_added_new1/log_"densepembed2_added" \
--seq_per_img 1 \
--batch_size 128 \
--beam_size 1 \
--learning_rate 2e-4 \
--num_layers 2 \
--input_encoding_size 1024 \
--rnn_size 2048 \
--att_hid_size 512 \
--learning_rate_decay_start 0 \
--scheduled_sampling_start 0 \
--checkpoint_path log_added_new1/log_"densepembed2_added" \
--language_eval 0 \
--val_images_use -1 \
--max_epochs 15 \
--scheduled_sampling_increase_every 2 \
--scheduled_sampling_max_prob 0.5 \
--learning_rate_decay_every 2 \
--self_critical_after 15
python --id "densepembed2_added" \
--dump_images 0 \
--num_images -1 \
--split test \
--input_json data/personcap_added1.json \
--input_label_h5 data/personcap_added1_label.h5 \
--input_fc_dir data/yfcc_images/resnext101_32x48d_wsl \
--input_att_dir data/yfcc_images/resnext101_32x48d_wsl_spatial_att \
--perss_onehot_h5 data/person_onehot_added1.h5 \
--batch_size 1024 \
--seq_per_img 5 \
--beam_size 4 \
--language_eval 1 \
--infos_path data/infos_"densepembed2_added"-best.pkl \
--model log_added_new1/log_"densepembed2_added"/model-best.pth \
--temperature 1.0