"Post Your Cute Cats!" is a social media application where users can post their cute cats. They will get to see other people's cute cats pictures and enjoy the cuteness of cats.
- Download the app
cd client
and runnpm install
cd server
and runnpm install
cd client
and runnpm start
cd server
and runnpm start
- Go to the top and click on the browse bar
- Upload a picture
- Your uploaded picture will be at the bottom
include the feature "Waiting" and "File Uploaded" so that the users could know whether their file is uploaded or in the process of uploading
- add a NSFW checking API so that people would not upload NSFW pictures
- add a ranking mechanism, where people can like the post and the post that have the highest likes will be presented first
- https://obscure-beach-63000.herokuapp.com/ ps: the web take a while to load and it also needs some time for the images to pop up
- I learned to code in full stack (MERN)
- I learned how to connect front-end and back-end togther
- I learned to deployed the web app online
- I learned how to use GFS
- When I tried to deploy this app to heroku, a lot of bugs happen, and it takes me days to figure out and take care of them, here are the following bugs and how I take care of them:
- Cannot push the app to heroku:
- Delete you node modules and install them again, most likely the mode modules are corrupted
- Delete your .git and reinstall them
- SPECIFY THE ENGINES!! Specifiy the version of the node in you package.json
- The deloyed app could not connect to the backend:
- This is unfortunately one of the things that I still cannot fix, the app works perfectly in localhost but when deployed to heroku it only either connects to backend or frontend. I ended up creating another heroku that links to the backend and have my frontend heroku fetch database from the backend heroku. This is not a good solution, but this is what I have so far.
- When I tried to deploy this app to heroku, a lot of bugs happen, and it takes me days to figure out and take care of them, here are the following bugs and how I take care of them: