This is a template web application for a Sharetribe Flex marketplace ready to be extended and customized. It is based on an application bootstrapped with create-react-app with some additions, namely server side rendering and a custom CSS setup.
Note: We also have two more templates available: FTW-hourly and FTW-product. FTW-hourly focuses on time-based booking processes. You can read more in the Flex Docs article introducing FTW-hourly. FTW-product focuses on product marketplace with listing stock management. You can find more information in the introduction to FTW-product Flex Docs.
If you just want to get the app running quickly to test it out, first install Node.js and Yarn, and follow along:
git clone [repo-url] # clone this repository
cd rather-rent-ftw/ # change to the cloned directory
yarn install # install dependencies
yarn run config # add the mandatory env vars to your local config
yarn run dev # start the dev server, this will open a browser in localhost:3000
You can also follow along the Getting started with FTW tutorial in the Flex Docs website.
For more information of the configuration, see the FTW Environment configuration variables reference in Flex Docs.
Change export
to set
in the package.json file if you're using Windows/DOS. You need to do the
change to "dev" and "dev-sever" commands.
"dev": "yarn run config-check&&set NODE_ENV=development&& set REACT_APP_DEV_API_SERVER_PORT=3500&&concurrently --kill-others \"yarn run dev-frontend\" \"yarn run dev-backend\""
"dev-server": "set NODE_ENV=development&& set PORT=4000&& set REACT_APP_CANONICAL_ROOT_URL=http://localhost:4000&&yarn run build&&nodemon --watch server server/index.js"
We strongly recommend installing Windows Subsystem for Linux, if you are developing on Windows. These templates are made for Unix-like web services which is the most common environment type on host-services for web apps. Also, Flex Docs uses Unix-like commands in articles instead of DOS commands.
Change export
to set
in the package.json file if you're using Windows/DOS. You need to do the
change to "dev" and "dev-sever" commands.
"dev": "yarn run config-check&&set NODE_ENV=development&& set REACT_APP_DEV_API_SERVER_PORT=3500&&concurrently --kill-others \"yarn run dev-frontend\" \"yarn run dev-backend\""
"dev-server": "set NODE_ENV=development&& set PORT=4000&& set REACT_APP_CANONICAL_ROOT_URL=http://localhost:4000&&yarn run build&&nodemon --watch server server/index.js"
We strongly recommend installing Windows Subsystem for Linux, if you are developing on Windows. These templates are made for Unix-like web services which is the most common environment type on host-services for web apps. Also, Flex Docs uses Unix-like commands in articles instead of DOS commands.
See the How to Customize FTW guide in Flex Docs.
Every push to staging branch is automatically deployed to the heroku site
See the Flex Docs site:
See also the docs/ directory for some additional internal documentation.