Ruby has for some time had no equivalent to the beautifully constructed numpy, scipy, and matplotlib libraries for Python. We believe that the time for a Ruby science and visualization package has come and gone. Sometimes when a solution of sugar and water becomes super-saturated, from it precipitates a pure, delicious, and diabetes-inducing crystal of sweetness, induced by no more than the tap of a finger. So it is, we believe, with the need for numeric and visualization libraries in Ruby.
We are not the first with this idea, but we are trying to bring it to life.
Please be aware that SciRuby is in ALPHA status. If you're thinking of using SciRuby to write mission critical code, such as for driving a car or flying a space shuttle, you may wish to choose other software (for now).
- Numarray: Narray rewrite.
- SciRuby::Analysis - domain-specific language (DSL) for hassle-free statistical analysis (originally from Statsample)
- SciRuby::Plotter - visualization GUI for updating plots as scripts are modified
- SciRuby::Editor - code editor for modifying rubyvis plot scripts
- Rubyvis - Protovis-like plotting in Ruby
- Statsample - a suite for basic and advanced statistics in Ruby
- Minimization algorithms in pure Ruby and using GSL
- Numeric integration algorithms
FIX (code sample of usage)
- statsample (and optionally statsample-optimization)
- distribution
- rubyvis
- narray
- minimization
- integration
- green_shoes
gem install sciruby
You'll also want to make sure you install the headers for the GUI. If you're using Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev libgtksourceview2-dev librsvg2-dev libcairo2-dev
Instructions for installing these for OSX are available through the Green Shoes wiki.
You can also optionally get rb-gsl, statistics2, and other useful architecture-specific packages using
gem install statsample-optimization
After checking out the source, run:
$ rake newb
$ bundle install
This task will install any missing dependencies, run the tests/specs, and generate the RDoc.
SciRuby is licensed under the GNU General Public License, v3.