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Here's the code for, a basic GAE app using Django and React.

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Following the steps in Google App Engine + Django and iterating on the commenting tool covered in my Django + React tutorial, here's an end-to-end outline to deploy a React App on Google App Engine (GAE) with Django backend.
WHY the combo?
  • React: The modularity sets up greatly for scalable web technologies (I have also used React-Native to deploy this demo app on Android and iOS).
    • Facebook, Instagram, Khan Academy, and Netflix all use React.
  • Django: The most popular backend management framework that allows powerful data management with its ORM model.
    • Instagram, Pinterest, Eventbrite and many more all use Django.
  • GAE: Platform as a service from Google to help Apps scale automatically with auto load-balancing and data replication.
    • Snapchat, Rovio (angry birds), Udacity, and Google internal tools are hosted on GAE.

Steps to set up the tool.

Setup virtualenv (optional)

virtualenv ve
. ve/bin/activate

Install dependencies

# Installs all JS dependencies.
npm install
# Install python dependencies needed in runtime under lib/.
pip install -r requirements-vendor.txt -t lib/
# Install other python dependencies not needed by App Enginge regularly.
pip install -r requirements-local.txt

Run continuous webpack compiler to get static JS, CSS files.

./node_modules/.bin/webpack --config webpack.config.js --watch

Create django db table (first follow steps from GAE tutorial to first create Cloud SQL database).

./ makemigrations comment
./ migrate

Run django server for development.

./ runserver

After iteration is done, run local server through app.yaml to make sure that all directory is correctly linked for GAE.

# dev_appserver is installed through GAE SDK.
dev_appserver app.yaml

Deploy when you are ready (and have registered a GAE project).

# First collect all static files, which is set to be dumped to dist/ in
./ collectstatic
# Deploy like a boss, and is also installed through GAE SDK. -A [project-id] update app.yaml


Code for, a basic GAE tool using Django and React.







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