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An open sourced whiteboard starter based on white-web-sdk.


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A starter library for making whiteboard web app, based on white-web-sdk, @netless/window-manager and netless-app.

Table of Contents


npm add @netless/fastboard @netless/window-manager white-web-sdk

Note: @netless/window-manager and white-web-sdk are peerDependencies.


Vanilla JavaScript

import { createFastboard, createUI } from "@netless/fastboard";

async function main() {
  const fastboard = await createFastboard({
    // [1]
    sdkConfig: {
      appIdentifier: "whiteboard-appid",
      region: "us-sv", // "cn-hz" | "us-sv" | "sg" | "in-mum" | "gb-lon"
    // [2]
    joinRoom: {
      uid: "unique_id_for_each_client",
      uuid: "room-uuid",
      roomToken: "NETLESSROOM_...",
      // (optional)
      userPayload: {
        nickName: "foo",
    // [3] (optional)
    managerConfig: {
      cursor: true,
    // [4] (optional)
    netlessApps: [],

  const container = createContainer();

  const ui = createUI(fastboard, container);

  // .....

  // destroy Fastboard UI

  // .....

  // destroy Fastboard (disconnect from the whiteboard room)

function createContainer() {
  const container = document.createElement("div");
  // Must give it a visible size
  Object.assign(, {
    height: "400px",
    border: "1px solid",
    background: "#f1f2f3",
  return container;


[1] Read more about the SDK config at Construct WhiteWebSDK object
[2] Read more about join room config at Construct Room and Player objects
[3] Read more about WindowManager config at WindowManager.mount()


Install @netless/fastboard-react, use the <Fastboard /> component.

npm add @netless/fastboard-react @netless/window-manager white-web-sdk react react-dom
import { useFastboard, Fastboard } from "@netless/fastboard-react";
import React from "react";
import { createRoot } from "react-dom/client";

function App() {
  const fastboard = useFastboard(() => ({
    sdkConfig: {
      appIdentifier: "whiteboard-appid",
      region: "us-sv", // "cn-hz" | "us-sv" | "sg" | "in-mum" | "gb-lon"
    joinRoom: {
      uid: "unique_id_for_each_client",
      uuid: "room-uuid",
      roomToken: "NETLESSROOM_...",

  // Container must have a visible size
  return (
        height: "400px",
        border: "1px solid",
        background: "#f1f2f3",
      <Fastboard app={fastboard} />

createRoot(document.getElementById("app")).render(<App />);

Whiteboard Functions

Insert Picture

await fastboard.insertImage(fileUrl);

The fileUrl is the url to load the image file, like "src" in <img src>. Fastboard itself does not contain any logic about upload/save a file.

Redo & Undo


Move Camera

fastboard.moveCamera({ centerX: 0, centerY: 0, scale: 1 });
fastboard.moveCameraToContain({ originX: -300, originY: -200, width: 600, height: 400 });

Set Tool

fastboard.setAppliance("shape", "triangle");
fastboard.setStrokeColor([r, g, b]);

Netless Apps

Register & Insert Apps

Except for built-in apps in Fastboard, you can also insert your own apps. To do that, You have to register app at each client before entering room (createFastboard):

import { register } from "@netless/fastboard";
import MyApp from "my-app";

register({ kind: MyApp.kind, src: MyApp });

Or you can set netlessApps in createFastboard config:

  ..., // other config
  netlessApps: [MyApp],

Then add app into the room via:

fastboard.manager.addApp({ kind: MyApp.kind });

Read more about Netless Apps.

Insert PDF, PPT and PPTX

// insert PDF/PPT/PPTX to the main whiteboard
const appId = await fastboard.insertDocs("filename.pptx", conversionResponse);

The conversionResponse is the result of this api.

Note: If you're using the new projector api, please use the manual way:

const appId = await fastboard.insertDocs({
  fileType: "pptx",
  scenePath: `/pptx/${response.uuid}`,
  taskId: response.uuid,
  title: "filename.pptx",

Insert Video & Audio

const appId = await fastboard.insertMedia("filename.mp3", fileUrl);

The fileUrl is the url to load the media file, like "src" in <video src>. Fastboard itself does not contain any logic about upload/save a file.

const appId = await fastboard.manager.addApp({
  kind: "Monaco",
  options: { title: "Code Editor" },
const appId = await fastboard.manager.addApp({
  kind: "Countdown",
  options: { title: "Countdown" },
const appId = await fastboard.manager.addApp({
  kind: "GeoGebra",
  options: { title: "GeoGebra" },
const appId = await fastboard.manager.addApp({
  kind: "Plyr",
  options: { title: "YouTube" },
  attributes: {
    src: "",
    provider: "youtube",
const appId = await fastboard.manager.addApp({
  kind: "EmbeddedPage",
  options: { title: "Google Docs" },
  attributes: {
    src: "",

Note: EmbeddedPage uses <iframe> to display external web resources, you'd better not embedding 2 more nested iframes (i.e. webpage>iframe1>iframe2) in the same page.

More apps goto netless-app.


MIT @ netless


An open sourced whiteboard starter based on white-web-sdk.







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  • TypeScript 47.4%
  • Svelte 41.3%
  • SCSS 8.5%
  • JavaScript 2.0%
  • HTML 0.8%