This is a spacing automata mainly written for simulation of cars on highways. The parameters you can change are specified as below. Specifically, these automata contains self-driving cars and non-self driving cars.
You can change these parameters in main.m
B=5; % The number of the lanes
global plazeLen; % length of path
global acc; % acceleation
global dacc; % decrease acceleration (negative)
global vmax; % speed limit
global dt; % time step
global sd_lane; % self_driving lanes chosen
global probc; % probability to generate a car
global prob_self_car; % proportion of self-driving car
global prob_slow; % probability of random slow
global slow_acc; % decrease acceleration of random slow
global carLen; % length of car
global stream; % average daily traffic counts
global t; % current time
Set simulation times in test.m. Output is stored in data, which contains equibria point of runtime of cars and average time of each simlation.
data = zeros(10,2);
for i = 1:10
[a,b] = main();
data(i,:) = [a,b];